Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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Show Highlights

In the very first episode of the Daily Solutions Podcast, Graham and Ashkahn introduce themselves, lay out the concept of the project, and share how to submit your float-related questions.

Float Tank Solutions will be releasing a podcast episode every day, with each episode focusing on a question or topic related to starting, running, or growing a float center. They’re created to be easily digestible — short and to the point, and always published along with a full written transcript.

Want to dive into advanced sound-proofing tips? Need to know how to measure your serviceable available market? Curious why your tank water is a weird color (and what to do about it)?

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Get to know some of our companies

Float On – our float tank center.

Float Tank Solutions – resources for starting, running, and growing your float center

Float Conference – the largest gathering of float enthusiasts.

HelmBot – software to run your wellness business.

Coincidence Control Publishing – floatation publications.

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Transcription of this episode… (in case you prefer reading)

Graham: You’re listening to the Daily Solutions podcast. This is our very first episode.


Ashkahn: Yeah, welcome, welcome. Glad to have you here starting this journey with us.


Graham: Yeah and I guess before we get started in the actual podcast, we just kind of wanted to introduce ourselves a little bit for those of you out there who may not be as familiar with us as we are.


Ashkahn: Yeah, so we are two of the owners of Float On. We have a float tank center.


Graham: Woo, we have a float tank center.


Ashkahn: We did it. We did it. So yeah, Portland, Oregon is where we reside. That’s where our float tank center is, and we opened our doors back in 2010.


Graham: Yeah, and back then we just had four tanks when first opened up.

Around 2012 we expanded to six tanks, which is what we have now.


Ashkahn: Yes, so it’s been a very exciting journey for us. 2010 was a very different place in the world of floating, and we’ve gotten to see everything kind of expand and grow and explode and all the amazing things that’s happened over the last six to seven years. It’s been really a pleasure to kind of be along on this wild ride.


Graham: Yeah and somewhere along the way as well, we started branching out beyond just running our own float tank center and kind of doing some other projects. One of the first of those was Float Tank Solutions, which this podcast is a part of. Float Tank Solutions is our consulting side of things. So once we opened up a float tank center, all of a sudden, which is unexpected, we started getting crazy amounts of emails and phone calls from people who were thinking about opening up their own float tank center and had just a bunch of questions for someone who’d kind of been through the early process so far.

Float Tank Solutions was born out of wanting to actually provide some benefit back to the float world and teach people some of the things that we’ve learned during our time running Float On. We have a lot of free resources on there. They’re definitely worth checking out, from comparison charts for the different float tanks that are on the market to whole intro guides on the basic concept of floating that you can give to your landlord or investors, or anything like that. And a really extensive blog that you can go through. It has at this point hundreds of posts. I think I counted the pages, it’s something like 700 pages at the time of recording, is in our blog.

So kind of a wealth of free info out there that you should definitely avail yourself of. We also have some paid products as well and have been helping centers open since we started Float Tank Solutions in 2012. Things like business plan template and construction plan. We do a three-day training out in Portland every month that usually has about five or six perspective float center owners that come out and learn from us what goes into a center. So a bunch of things very much centered on helping other float tank centers get open.


Ashkahn: Yeah.We’ve done a handful of other projects in the years since we’ve been open, as well. We put on the Float Conference that happens every year, which is definitely a ton of fun. We also make The Float Helm software to run your center in terms of scheduling point of sale and a lot of other kind of backend center operations.


Graham: I guess the last thing that we do is some book publishing as well. We’ve put out both some books inspired by floating and art work, and a cook book inspired by floating and also some old John Lilly books. That’s Coincidence Control Publishing, is what that one is called.


Ashkahn: Yeah, and I guess in addition to that we just do whatever sounds fun for us sometimes too. We recently went on a giant float tour where we took an RV around the United States and Canada and visited 172 float centers over the course of three months while driving around. Mostly just because it sounded like a preposterous amount of fun, and it was. It was a huge amount of fun.


Graham: The premise of this podcast is really just to continue that trend of helping out the industry and sharing what information we can. Specifically in this case, we really wanted to hear from other people who are out there either running a float tank center or thinking about getting their toes a little bit salty in the waters. So taking answers from people and actually just answering those questions in a short conversational format.


Ashkahn: We have our three-day training apprenticeship program where we get to say a lot of information in structured ways. We have our blog post, which take a lot of work to put into a form that feels like a comprehensive post on a subject. At the end of the day, when we grab beers over the float centers and we’re talking to people at the conference, or just casually hanging out with float people we end up having these really nice valuable casual conversations about all sorts of weird little topics that don’t always come up when you’re going over the grander things you need to be thinking about.

This podcast really seemed like a nice way of getting some of that information out, these bite sized attempts at talking about some of the smaller and more detail-oriented sections of open and running a float center.


Graham: I guess so much of the knowledge base out there for float tanks is so wishy-washy. We’re still in the early stages of this industry, even though it’s really popping and growing at this fast rate. So we try to make our blog as comprehensive and thorough on different topics as we can, but so many of the topics out there, you just can’t even do that. There’s almost not enough information, and so the idea of having something that’s just a little more conversational, where we can really quickly go over how we don’t really know what’s going on, and what you can look into a little bit more, and where things might head just sounded appealing to us.


Ashkahn: I have a suspicion that you’re going to hear us say we don’t really know, probably a number of times, in many episodes to come.


Graham: So thanks for tuning in to listen. That’s the basic premise of the show. We’re planning on releasing one of these every single day, so get ready for a load of Graham and Ash content.


Ashkahn: And please send us your questions. This show will all be focused on answering questions that people have so let us know what you want us to talk about.


Graham: Yeah, and you can do that online at floattanksolutions.com/podcast. Feel free to also just shoot us an email. Our contact information is up on our website as well.


Ashkahn: Yeah, I mean if you want to send us Morse code messages we can accept those, and carrier pigeons.


Graham: I’ve heard that if you put stamps on a watermelon and actually send it through the mail, it will arrive at its destination. So if you want to send us a watermelon-based question, you’re free to do that as well.


Ashkahn: Yeah, and mail it, made with the seeds inside. I mean that sounds great. Yeah, anyway you send it to us, we’ll try to answer it.


Graham: All right, and other than that, thanks for listening. We’ll be talking to you again tomorrow.

Recent Podcast Episodes

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

Every once in a while during float industry events, during this podcast, or talks given by health department professionals and the like, they’ll say something like “if you get your water tested and…”. But how does a float center do that? Where should they look? Is there just a lab that they can send their float solution to? Are all labs the same? How much does it cost? 

Ashkahn and Graham take on the difficult task of making sense of microbiology testing laboratories, regulatory institutions, and acronyms, all so you don’t have to. 

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

A Few of Our Favorite Things – DSP 358

Graham and Ashkahn take a break from all the doom and gloom of the float world to talk about the amazing things that floating has brought them. What they love, the things that surprised them, and the many ways in which they’re inspired to stick with it and pioneer in this wild and crazy industry.

Daily Solutions Podcast

Learning to Trust Your Gut in Business – DSP 357

Sometimes, the hardest part of starting any project is to just take the leap of faith complete step one. 

With some words of encouragement and caution, Graham & Ashkahn channel their inner Tony Robbins and encourage a highly knowledgeable aspiring float center owner, to trust their gut and start their float center.

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

How Long to Run a Filter Between Floats – DSP 356

How long should you run the filtration system for between floats? It’s an eternal question that has plagued float center owners since the dawn of time (Or at least until 1978 when the first float center opened up). 

Ashkahn and Graham break down the science behind why you should filter for as long as you do and how to properly plan for it. This densely packed episode is filled to the brim with a summary of knowledge on water dilution, filtration, flow meters, and water sanitation brought over to float tanks from the pool and spa world. Take notes as you listen, there’s a lot to assess.

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

How to Reward your Employees – DSP 355

Recognizing that your employees rock is one of the most valuable traits an employer can have, but only as long as said employer is able to properly acknowledge that appreciation. 

Graham and Ashkahn share their take on rewarding employees for their hard work and how to make it count when you want to give them a gift. The duo has no shortage of examples of how they’ve shown their appreciation at Float On, and this episode is dense with examples of nice gifts and rewards to provide staff, from the practical to the symbolic. 

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