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Should you let those with long dreadlocks and super long hair float? Yeah, we definitely think so!

Our sound designer, Jordan Lamp joins Graham and Ashkahn on this episode of the Daily Solutions Podcast to talk about what it’s like floating with dreads.

If any clients have body hair or shower less thoroughly beforehand, it will bring slightly more material into the tank. In the end, however, our filtration systems and procedures are designed to create a pristine float environment for every floater.

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Transcription of this episode… (in case you prefer reading)

Graham: Okay, we have a new question for you, and we have a special guest as well.

I would say a new guest in the studio, but in fact he’s always in the studio, he’s just appropriately silent in the background. We have our recording technician, Jordan Lamp, joining us.

Jordan Lamp: Hey guys.

Graham: The question today is should I let someone with long, capital long, dreads float? Will it damage their hair or the water?

Ashkahn: Jordan’s here with us because he has long, capital long dreads on his head, and has floated many a time. We thought he’d be a good person to offer some insight here. Yeah, what do you think? Let’s start with, does it damage your hair?

Jordan Lamp: I’m going to go no. It does make it very heavy. If you have longer dreads than I did, it’s possible that it’s really going to pull on your head, because the weight of the salt and the water combined makes them just incredibly, like heavier than just taking a shower or something. When I go to sit up out of the tank, there’s this incredible yanking sensation on my neck. If you had properly, properly, like down to the floor dreds, that may pose, you’d have to get out a different way, but once you get out to the shower, and you rinsed your hair really well, once the salt’s out, then you would just have wet dreads, which everyone’s used to.

Ashkahn: What’s that process like? Getting the salt water out of your dreads I bet is what they’re curious about.

Graham: Actually, how long are your dreads, out of curiosity?

Jordan Lamp: Well, I’m 6′ 3″, and they go down just like to almost my butt, I guess. The bottom of my back.

Ashkahn: Wow, okay.

Jordan Lamp: A few feet.

Ashkahn: Yeah, that’s pretty serious.

Jordan Lamp: Getting out, like first of all, I try not to waste too much of the tank water, because so much does get sort of sucked up in there. I’ll sit for a moment and just let the waterfall go before just jumping out of the tank, because there’s a lot of water that comes out. Then usually it’s just like a big like pool noodle sponge, essentially, so you just do a couple of wrings, and then you’re a pound or two lighter at that point. Then you just shower as usual. It’s really no big deal.

Graham: Does the shower take longer than usual to get all of the salts out of your dreads?

Jordan Lamp: No, no. In fact, I almost would not be hyper diligent, because the salt is drying. Then the way that the hair works, it scales. Hair follicles have a scale system, and so when oils and waxes or anything else coats that, it makes it slippery, and it detangles, which is the opposite of a dred. Something like going to the beach and swimming in the ocean is actually really good for dreads, because it dries them out, and it locks them up tighter.

Ashkahn: Oh.

Jordan Lamp: I almost don’t try too hard to rinse it out. You don’t want it flaky and you don’t want that thick texture about it, but I don’t try too hard at the same time.

Graham: Interesting. You’d almost say that floating is good for your dreads.

Jordan Lamp: Yeah, totally. Absolutely.

Ashkahn: Interesting. Like if I wanted dreads, I should just go dump my head in a float tank a few times. Then I’d just have dreds.

Graham: Is that how it works, Jordan?

Ashkahn: That sounds like what you’re saying.

Jordan Lamp: Kind of. Sure. I don’t see why not, it’s my medical advice.

Ashkahn: Okay, great. This is Dr. Jordan Lamp.

Graham: Okay, and then what about the float tank water as well?

Ashkahn: I guess that’s a question for us.

Graham: Right, yeah. Which is, we let people with dreads float at Float On all the time.We’re in Portland, Oregon, it happens almost every day, and it’s not an issue. We haven’t really had any problems with it.

More often, like a woman who has long hair, or a man who has long hair, just long hair in general I should say. It hasn’t been a problem for us either. You do get long hairs in the float tank, and the same thing will happen with dreads.

Ashkahn: Yeah, it’s just part of it, right? People are bringing stuff into the float tank, and your float tanks have equipment, and you have operations to deal with that sort of stuff. If someone has I guess like long, dirty dreds that’s going to be a little bit more stuff than a normal person would bring into a float tank, but at the end of the day, your system should still be able to handle that. That’s just part of the operation, so I wouldn’t really be too concerned about it.

Graham: Yep, no more so than with just regular long hair. Again, seems to be the same kind of thing, and we definitely don’t prohibit people with long hair from hopping in the float tank or anything like that. Yeah, I think that’s about it for this question. Anything else to add, Jordan?

Jordan Lamp: No. It’s very simple. It feels really cool. It does feel really interesting when you’re actually in the float tank, because other people’s hair floats so freely, it’s maybe more silky, whereas these feel like tentacles sort of like rubbing up against you. If you have an open tank with a reflection on the top, you can see your silhouette, and it just looks like these crazy tentacles everywhere.

Graham: Oh yeah, I bet that looks awesome.

Jordan Lamp: Which is a very original experience that you can’t really get anywhere else, I think.

Ashkahn: Yeah, all right. Well, I’m going to start getting some dreads.

Graham: We’ll see you tomorrow when Ashkahn’s all dreaded up.

Recent Podcast Episodes

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

Graham has Juliet on the podcast today since Ashkahn is doing some post-Conference traveling. 

The duo talks about times when floating just doesn’t feel like a good idea, which is something they have a bit of disagreement about. Juliet shares her experiences being cautious of her experiences in the tank and how she tends to have to be more mindful of when she floats. 

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

How do you Handle Changing Memberships? – DSP 274

This year at the Float Conference, Derek hosted a marketing forum and took questions that he wanted to share with everyone here. 

This episode focuses on how Float On handles memberships, including tiered memberships and how to gracefully transition from one type of membership to another.

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

Are Vapor Barriers a Good Idea for Float Centers? – DSP 273

You can tell when Graham starts to miss Ashkahn when he makes a soundboard made up of sound clips from previous episodes just to have Ashkahn do another intro. 

Jake and Graham break down barriers in this episode. Vapor barriers, that is. These tools are a little confusing in the construction world and their efficacy is hotly debated in just regular construction, never mind the demands that a float center has, especially in regards to moisture protection. Fortunately, Graham and Jake know a thing or two about a thing or two and explain what vapor barriers are, how they work, and what the source of contention is. 

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

What to Consider with Plumbing in a New Float Center – DSP 272

Graham and Jake talk about the confusing world of plumbing for your float center. There are any number of unpleasant surprises that can come about when planning the water lines to showers, getting floor drains in place, and making sure everything lines up how it’s supposed to. If the sewer main is too deep or not where you think it is, it can add a significant amount of cost to your build out just to get floor drains installed. Fortunately, the guys have some useful tricks to help mitigate costs and plan accordingly.

When DON’T you Feel Like Floating? – DSP 275

Should I use Spray-in Insulation for my Float Center? – DSP 271

Graham and Jake are still in a sans Ashkahn world at Daily Solutions, but they’re not letting it harsh their mellow. 

The guys are talking about the different types of spray-in insulation today. It’s a pretty common material in construction and it can be a fantastic insulator for float centers, if you get the right type. 

Jake and Graham go over the differences between open cell and closed cell insulation and why, specifically, float centers should avoid open cell insulation. They also provide some excellent pointers on the materials themselves and good conversations to have with a contractor regarding insulation. 

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