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The second month of our industry blog has arrived. The topic for February is ‘Post-Float Environment and Interaction.’ We’ll be putting up the first post tomorrow, and you’ll hear my take on things a little way through the month. I wanted to take a moment, however, to explain why we chose this subject in particular, and what we’ll be aiming for in the months to come.

There are a handful of topics with Float Tanks that feel both established and relatively unexplored. Wait wait wait… a handful? ‘Established and Relatively Unexplored’ describes the bulk of the floatation world. We exist in a nebulous zone between science and spirituality, between a burgeoning industry and one that has been around for over half a century.

Although the float tanks themselves are new, the intent to achieve a state of perfect uninterrupted conversation with yourself is not. What is the best way to set up circumstances before this experience, and to ensure proper processing afterwards?

How do you satisfy the talkative, active, ‘I-want-to-share-everything-I-just-experienced!’ floaters and the ‘I-just-hit-something-deep-and-need-time-to-process…’ floaters? How do you do it in the same space, every time, without intruding on the others?

Is there one right way to structure your center, or does the very structure of a center determine who will find it, and what they will receive?

These questions aren’t easy to answer, and there are many more that deserve contemplation. Every topic we choose for this blog will include uncertainty, differing opinions, and ultimately, no right ‘answer.’

The purpose of February’s topic, and of everything that gets posted here, is to encourage individual thought. Float Tank Solutions has the goal of putting the accumulated knowledge of the tanks out into the world, and to leave for you to do with that what you will.

So take these ruminations, these pieces of advice, these meditations on the nature of what we do. Take them and think about them. See what makes sense to you, and what doesn’t align at all.

When you read something that strikes you, float on it. Let’s see what happens.