Well, we did it again. We’ve been closed for 2 weeks of construction already, and we still have another week to go. We’re installing two new flooring and shower systems to test out, a new lobby wall for soundproofing, and we’re replacing one of our Ocean Float Rooms with a brand new one!
While we were at it, we decided we might as well add in a hallway door, floor drains in two of the rooms, and a soundproof cabinet for our washer and dryer.
Things are cranking along over here, and although I don’t have time for a full post, I DO have time for a photo montage.

Graham Talley, Co Founder, Float On
[UPDATE: While this post was written many years ago, since then we’ve put together over 180 pages of construction information on how to properly build a float tank center. This step by step guide is a result of hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of research, testing, and professional review.]