Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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Some Other Common Objections to Floating – DSP 361

What’s More Important than the Podcast? – DSP 360

It’s no secret that Graham and Ashkahn are shutting down the podcast (check out the resources for details on how to call in for the finale), but why? 

Today, Graham and Ashkahn talk about all their projects that they’ll be dedicating themselves too now that they don’t have a daily podcast to rush to, everything from the mundane to the insane. 

Some Other Common Objections to Floating – DSP 361

How to get your Water Tested – DSP 359

Every once in a while during float industry events, during this podcast, or talks given by health department professionals and the like, they’ll say something like “if you get your water tested and…”. But how does a float center do that? Where should they look? Is there just a lab that they can send their float solution to? Are all labs the same? How much does it cost? 

Ashkahn and Graham take on the difficult task of making sense of microbiology testing laboratories, regulatory institutions, and acronyms, all so you don’t have to. 

Some Other Common Objections to Floating – DSP 361

A Few of Our Favorite Things – DSP 358

Graham and Ashkahn take a break from all the doom and gloom of the float world to talk about the amazing things that floating has brought them. What they love, the things that surprised them, and the many ways in which they’re inspired to stick with it and pioneer in this wild and crazy industry.

Learning to Trust Your Gut in Business – DSP 357

Learning to Trust Your Gut in Business – DSP 357

Sometimes, the hardest part of starting any project is to just take the leap of faith complete step one. 

With some words of encouragement and caution, Graham & Ashkahn channel their inner Tony Robbins and encourage a highly knowledgeable aspiring float center owner, to trust their gut and start their float center.