Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

If float tank water is safe, in part because of all the salt, then why is there such a huge emphasis in the industry for water treatment? After all, there haven’t been any reports of anyone getting sick because of floating.

Ashkahn and Graham tackle this question and challenge the idea on its face, because, well, just because something hasn’t been reported doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, and given how little is known about water treatment in float tanks, it’s a good idea, as an industry, to minimize the risk of infections and illness as much as possible. Really, there’s a lot of reasons, from peace of mind, complying with health regulation standards, and even marketing, to maintain your float tank solution to as high a standard that you can. 

Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

Soundproofing Windows of Your Float Center – DSP 311

Graham and Ashkahn discuss soundproofing windows of a float center, but first they talk about which situations may even warrant soundproofing in the first place. It may be that soundproofing is better prioritized elsewhere.

If you do decide to soundproof your window, the guys give you some tips on how best to do it and what to look for when picking out which type of glaze you may want along with a few other options. 

Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

How to Handle Reopening? – DSP 310

If there’s one thing Ashkahn and Graham have learned, it’s reopening. Float On has had to shut down for repairs so many times over the years that they’ve got the process down to a science. 

They share their secrets for making sure you have a full week after opening, build momentum, keep your members happy in the downtime and throw a kickin’ reopening party!

Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

What Inspires your Marketing? – DSP 309

Graham and Ashkahn talk about what it’s like when inspiration strikes, how they chase their floaty muse to a solid marketing idea and form it into an actionable plan. 

The reality is that it mostly involves a lot of listening and willingness to try, and fail at, new things. As with so many things, play to your strengths, focus on the things you’re passionate about and the rest is practice. 

Why is Water Treatment Important? – DSP 312

What’s Happening with the Float Conference Non-Profit – DSP 308

Ashkahn and Graham talk about how the Float Conference has been going since they handed off the reigns this year. Big decisions are still incoming, but there’s a lot of ways you can help out or get involved. 

If you’d like to offer your help, services, or suggestions for the new Non-profit of the Float Conference, or if you’d just like updates to how it’s going and where it might be held next year, email conference@floathq.com, and the Conference will know to contact you.