Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

Most float centers divide on floats offered between 60 or 90 minute floats, but some split the difference right down the middle and offer 75 minutes. Graham and Ashkahn share their thoughts on this tactic, what they see as the pros, cons, and things to consider when implementing it. 

What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

Free Floats for Teachers – DSP 301

Graham and Ashkahn give their perspective on the pros and cons of giving free floats away for teachers. Giving out free floats is the Float On way and giving them to a specific group of people who could really use them sounds like a good idea.

The guys break it down and address some of the concerns any float center may have about running a program like this.

What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

How to Help Float Research – DSP 300

With the push from Justin Feinstein at LIBR to get more float centers involved in research, many float center owners are chomping at the bit to push studies forward on the benefits of floating. But where do you start and how do you make it happen? 

Graham and Ashkahn discuss this idea and how to do research right, as well as some of the things that might be helpful OR harmful to the world of floating in the eyes of the scientific community. There’s a lot of nuanced things to know about proper research and if you go in overzealous without considering how established science is done, it can harm the reputation of the practice. 

What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

Tips on Running Power to Float Rooms – DSP 299

Graham and Ashkahn offer some helpful tips to keep in mind when planning out the electrical framework for your float rooms. How many circuits you should plan for, where to place outlets, GFCI compliance, just to name a few. 

Definitely an essential episode for anyone to listen to before going into their build-out phase. 

What About 75 Minute Floats? – DSP 302

Floating in National Media – DSP 298

Seeing float tanks in the national news and culture has increased in regularity within the last few years. Graham and Ashkahn discuss how these things get on such a large platform. The guys briefly go over some of the major stories that have been all over the media and how those stories happened. Mostly it comes down to luck, but there are a few things that can increases the chances of your float center getting on national TV.