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Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

Is it a good idea to change the name of a float center after buying it from someone else? As the industry gets older, more and more people are going to have to answer this question.

Branding is definitely part of the equity of a business and you purchase everything that comes with it. But can you put a price on being happy with your business and making it feel like your own? 

Derek and Graham tackle these questions while Ashkahn is away for the Conference. 

Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

What’s a Marketing Funnel? – DSP 252

Graham and Derek break down the ins and outs of what, exactly, a marketing funnel is and how to develop one when speaking to banks and investors.

If this is something you don’t understand, you’re not alone! Graham consistently explains how a marketing funnel works in the Apprenticeship every year to a bewildered class. Don’t be afraid to take notes and ask questions. 

Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

How to Make Great Videos for Social Media – DSP 251

Derek and Graham talk about video content, and how to use it effectively on social media. There’s a lot of wisdom in keeping videos short and to the point, but they also recommend keeping them low tech (unless you can go really high tech). 

Derek also issues a challenge for every float center listening, by September, everyone should go out and film a testimonial video and post it on social media. If you do, let Derek know by sharing it with the Float Tank Solutions facebook page.

Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

How long should an e-mail be? – DSP 250

In this sports analogy laden episode, Graham and Derek talk about effective copywriting tactics when writing out an email to the loyal customers of float centers across the globe. 

They line out the importance of focusing on a short, sweet, and simple message, while outlining some strategies at Float On that are used with that in mind. 

Should I Change the Name of the Float Center I Bought? – DSP 253

Getting Salty with Speakers: John Turner – DSP 249

Ashkahn takes the reigns on the show to talk to John Turner, a professor at the Medical University of Toledo and one of the original researchers into the benefits of float tanks. 

They discuss some of the surprising benefits of floating, mindfulness, and just good ways to live a positive life. A very heartwarming and lovely chat.