by Float Tank Solutions | Podcast
Derek and Graham talk about the many tactics they’ve tried at Float On with developing referral programs. They’ve tried many things with varying success, from affiliates to endorsements to discount codes. All with varying success. The favorite tactic at Float On, of course, is giving away free floats and developing relationships with others in the community.
by Float Tank Solutions | Podcast
Graham and Derek break down the benefits of chatbots. They discuss the usefulness of popular marketing tools like these and what place they have in brick and mortar businesses like float centers. They might be marginally useful, but there are almost definitely better things to focus on if a float center is having difficulty with marketing.
by Float Tank Solutions | Podcast
There’s so many inspiring and creative float centers out there, many of who keep coming up with ingenious new ways to get the word out for their centers.
What’s the protocol for borrowing marketing ideas like this? How does proximity factor into it?
Graham and Derek break down the nuances of marketing strategies and where to pull from and what to avoid. It’s all about etiquette.
by Float Tank Solutions | Podcast
James Nestor, a science-adventure journalist with a focus on reporting about humans relationship to water. He is speaking at the Conference this year and Ashkahn took the time to ask him about some of the research John Lilly did on dolphin communication back in the day. He shares cool stories about Lilly’s work at that time as well as the impacts it’s had throughout the scientific community since.
by Float Tank Solutions | Podcast
Today is the last day to buy discounted tickets for the Float Conference!
Today, Graham and Ashkahn talk all about everything they’re excited to see at the Conference this year, everything from the Bus Tour, to the Speakers that are coming (some returning, some coming for the first time), the Bus Tour, The Marketing Forum, other Friday activities, the awesome after parties, and did Graham mention the Bus Tour yet?
It’s Float On’s last year hosting the Conference, and it’s gonna be excellent. See you there!