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Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

Another great conversation that came out of Rise. Graham and Ashkahn sat down with Russ, a local float center owner who is just about to open his doors. He wanted to talk to the guys about how best to present floating to a more rural and conservative area. Graham and Ashkahn have seen float centers from across the world in rural and metropolitan areas alike and share their take on how best to present floating to people who aren’t as exposed to other alternative wellness practices. 

Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

Customers Who Overstay Their Welcome (Rise) – DSP 149

Graham and Ashkahn sat down with Mark and Jennifer Gurley at Rise to talk about an issue that can seem scary for float center owners, especially those who haven’t worked in customer service. What do you do about the customer who takes advantage of your generosity and overstays their welcome? How far is too far? And what are the appropriate steps to take when you have someone who won’t respect your boundaries? 

Graham and Ashkahn share their experiences from the handful of times it has happened at Float On over the years and how it’s worked out and compare notes with the Gurleys and their float center.

Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

Should I Filter Tap Water When Filling My Tanks (Rise) – DSP 148

Graham and Ashkahn got cornered at Rise with a question from one of the attendees, a float center owner named Gina. And even though the event is over, it’d be a shame to not share this episode. They answer all her questions and concerns about municipal water systems and the levels of filtration that should be done when using water straight from the tap (which probably almost everybody does), they also talk about what you really need to worry about in your tap water. 

Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

How do you do All the Things? (Rise) – DSP 147

This episode from Rise comes at you recorded live with another very special guest, Rick from Float St. Louis. Not only does he work in a float center, he’s also releasing a float themed quarterly magazine called Third Wave Magazine. While he was a bit tight lipped about the magazine, his choice of question may speak to just how demanding it has been on him lately. 

Listen to him chat with Graham and Ashkahn about how to do all the things and when doing too many things is too much. 

Should Float Centers Tone Down Their Personality in Rural Areas? (Rise) – DSP 150

Live at Rise Float Gathering! – DSP 146

Graham and Ashkahn are coming at you LIVE (well, recorded live) from the Rise Float Gathering! They managed to wrangle Jake and Kevin, the organizers of Rise and the founders of Float STL in St. Louis. Check out this episode where they talk about bath robes, hosting events, and just how amazing this industry is.