Know Your Market – A Guide to Gathering Data
Have you ever tried to look up market statistics or information for float centers? If so, you’ve probably been left a little disappointed. Mining for float industry data means coming to the unfortunate realization that the internet doesn’t actually have everything on...
Transducers: Turning Your Float Tank into a Giant Speaker
All good floats must come to an end… As a float center owner, you’ll have the ability to offer periods of intense isolation and quiet to your customers. That being said, we’ve received many questions about the best (and least disruptive) way of bringing your...
Alternative Wellness and Floatation Therapy
Over the past few decades people have come to practice many alternative wellness regimens from outside of the realm of standard Western medicine. Instead of medication and surgery, people have turned to regular bodily maintenance and more natural remedies for their...
Don’t Squander Water in Your Showers
Once you start planning out the monthly costs for your float center, you’ll quickly come to appreciate a running joke in the industry: although you may think you’re providing floats, what you’re really doing is running a shower business.
Each person that floats at your center will take two showers: one before their float, and one after. These showers are definitely necessary. Before a customer enters a float tank, you’ll want them to shower in order to make sure that water contamination from skin oils and dirt is minimized, and after a float a customer is going to need a shower to remove the salty residue from their skin. READ MORE…