Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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A Peek at the Float On Renovation

A Peek at the Float On Renovation

Well, we did it again. We’ve been closed for 2 weeks of construction already, and we still have another week to go. We’re installing two new flooring and shower systems to test out, a new lobby wall for soundproofing, and we’re replacing one of our...
The Best Time to Start a Float Center

The Best Time to Start a Float Center

It’s not today. Today is a great time to start a float center, but that’s not the best time. The best time was a year ago. Or a month ago. Or yesterday. I’ve had the pleasure of seeing people from their first, innocent float all the way through...
Meet the Float Tank Solutions Team

Meet the Float Tank Solutions Team

We’ve met a good deal of you in person at the Float Conference, or at Float On in Portland. Some of us (mostly the easily identifiable ones with the larger facial hair) can even be seen in many an online video discussing salt buildup and small business. For some...