Achieving Liftoff: Modern Gravity
In another installment of our ongoing series, we’re taking a look at Modern Gravity in Edmonton, Alberta. Matt and J.P., the owners of the center, share what success means to them. Back in 2013, there wasn’t a single float center near Edmonton, so these guys...
The Daily Solutions Podcast – Our Top 5 Episodes from April
April was quite a month for the float industry, not only did the Rise Float Gathering take place in St. Louis, but we also convinced several people that drop bears were real! If you didn’t check out the live blog feed from Rise where we covered the events in detail, I...
Rise Float Gathering Live Event Post!
Final Update 2:59pm WOW… what an event. If you’re coming to RISE next year, bring tissues. The last series of updates will be brief. The last two talks were legitimate tear jerkers and no recap could ever capture the moment. Donna and Chris Petrovics If...
Beginner’s Guides from Everywhere!
If you’re not familiar with the Beginner’s Guide, it’s basically our intro brochure at Float On. About 5 years ago now we made the creation files easily available so folks could edit it as they pleased and sent it out to everyone with an open invitation to do with it as they pleased for their own centers. We know most centers don’t have graphic designers on staff so it seemed like a nice way to help others have reliable, easy to access information for their clients and also serve as a way to save them time and money from having to create their own.
The result of this is that years later, dozens and dozens of centers have a version of these brochures, some of them not even realizing where they originated from. Naturally, we’ve taken a copy from all the centers we’ve visited and we thought we’d share some of them with the rest of you.