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Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

In this episode, Graham goes solo again to answer a particularly loquacious listener who sent in a question about how to logistically handle your changeover when a floater comes out early.

It can be tempting to start your changeover as soon as possible, especially if you have a few of them to get to, but Graham lays out some helpful things to remember before flipping that switch and running your pumps before the allotted time.

Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

How Hot is Too Hot in a Float Tank? – DSP 280

Graham goes solo again to discuss how people perceive temperature in the float tank.

This is an important issue specifically because of a few pieces of technical information that your average customer just isn’t going to know, largely how humidity impacts temperature, but also how easy it is to overheat in an incredibly humid environment.

Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

What to do when People have Really Bad Floats – DSP 278

With Ashkahn still taking his post-conference vacation, Graham and Juliet talk about what it’s like to have unpleasant floats. 

Juliet shares her perspective in dealing with her anxiety condition while floating and how it can sometimes hinder the experience. Graham approaches it as an owner as well as someone who’s never experienced those kinds of hindrances in the tank. 

Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

How do you Prepare for a Float? – DSP 277

Some people have special ways that they prepare for floating, and how it’s approached depends entirely on the person floating.

Graham and Juliet (Ashkahn’s still missing) talk about their different approaches to floating, whether it’s sneaking in to float whenever they can, or planning entire days around floating to make sure it goes off without a hitch, they share their perspectives. 

Starting your Pumps Early – DSP 281

How to Talk about Floating to those Unfamiliar with it – DSP 276

Ashkahn is gallivanting across Europe (probably), so Graham has Juliet on the podcast today. 

The two of them talk about how to talk about floating, from the float center perspective, and the floater perspective, how much information is enough, and how much is too much. This is a spiel that every person in the float industry will have tons of practice on, so it’s important to have a good one.