Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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These are challenging times for all of us, and many float centers (ourselves included) have decided to temporarily shut down to help stop the spread of coronavirus. Our team got together yesterday to figure out what we need to do to put our shop into hibernation mode, and we thought we’d share the list we came up with to help out anyone else who is in a similar position.

Best of luck to everyone going through this. We know we’ve seen a wellspring of kind words and support from our community when we decided to shut down, and we’re sure you have too. It’s nice to know the float world will be supported when we’re all on the other end of this.

Of course, if there’s anything that you’ve done in your own closure that you don’t see here, please send it along and we’ll update this list as suggestions come in.

Float Tank Solutions

Float Tank Solutions
Shop Hibernation Checklist

After the last float
  • Do a full cleaning and disinfection pass across your center.
  • Deal with your mail and package deliveries. You may need to put up a sign for your mail person, stop your mail from being delivered, or attempt to cancel or reroute any packages that are already on their way.
  • Stop any automatic deliveries you have for any shop supplies.
  • Make sure your HVAC system is set to run the whole time.
  • Remove any food and beverages that can’t be stored for longer periods of time.
  • Remove cash and any other valuables.
  • Forward incoming calls and set up an appropriate voicemail (make a task to change the forwarding and voicemail when you re-open)
  • Put bleach into washer and dishwasher and run them, then leave doors slightly open
  • Consider putting out ant traps, if it’s appropriate for your area
Daily Ongoing Maintenance
  • If your float tank doesn’t automatically run your pumps, go in twice a day to run them. This will both provide your float solution with its cleaning cycle, and prevent any salt crystallization from happening inside of your pipes and filtration equipment. Make sure to open the doors on your float tanks to let them air out while you’re there.
  • Balance any levels of chemical treatment that you use (like hydrogen peroxide)
  • Run the showers once a day to prevent any sort of buildup in the pipes
  • Make sure to put water down all of your floor drains to keep your p-traps filled (so you don’t get sewer gas coming out)
  • Empty your dehumidifiers (if you have any)
  • Consider leaving some lobby lights on to deter vandalism
  • Clean up any garbage outside the shop. It’ll help keep your city looking nice, and will also help deter vandalism.
  • Answer voicemails
  • Answer emails
  • Answer social media inquires
  • Collect physical mail
  • Water any plants you may have (or take them to your house).
Weekly Ongoing Maintenance
  • Replenish any water in your tanks that has been lost to evaporation (you may need to add a little salt as well).
  • Do a disinfection pass on the inside of your tank walls and ceiling. It’s still a very hot and humid environment, and you want to make sure you’re preventing any mold growth.

There are, of course, other things to consider like communication with your customers and taking care of your members. You may be looking at laying off part, or all, of your staff temporarily so they can claim unemployment benefits. The next couple weeks are also going to be a good time to work on your marketing, to make sure that your customers are ready to float when you re-open.

We’re keeping the list above to just the operational side of things for now, but we’ll be releasing more over the coming days and weeks about what we’re doing at Float On to get through this.

Stay well,
Graham and Ashkahn

You got this

Adding Float Tanks to an Existing Business – OSP 10

Adding Float Tanks to an Existing Business – OSP 10

Graham and Ashkahn kick off the New Year by discussing the things to consider when adding a float tank to an existing business. This is a fantastic episode to start with if you’ve already got a service-based business or are a practitioner looking to start up on your own and looking for ideas.

The boys talk about logistical considerations, the built-in advantages to adding on to an existing practice, as well as how nice it is to have a meatball sandwich after chilling out in a sensory reduced environment for an hour (Ashkahn has a serious one-track mind).

Adding Float Tanks to an Existing Business – OSP 10

Tank Topics – Business Partners

Graham and Ashkahn round out the end of the year by talking about all the naughty and nice things about having business partners.

It’s a shorter compilation today, which gives you plenty of time to talk to your own business partners about what you think about them!

Adding Float Tanks to an Existing Business – OSP 10

Tank Topics – All About Research

The holidays are a busy time for float centers and it often means lots of new customers asking questions. This means it can be a really great time to brush up on the facts about floating. Fortunately we’ve formed a folio of fantastic studies for you to fancy. Feliz Navidad!

Tank Topics – Handling Difficult Customers

Tank Topics – Handling Difficult Customers

In every service business, there’s a running joke that someone likes that’s usually somehting along the lines of “this job would be great if it weren’t for all the customers!” (*cue laugh track and uproarious applause*), well, the boys have not shied away from talking about the difficult sides of running a shop like ours. We’ve got episodes about handling negative Yelp reviews, customers too intoxicated to float, and even what to do when it’s time to 86 a problematic client. 

Adding Float Tanks to an Existing Business – OSP 10

The 2019 Float Conference Recap – OSP 09

You can tell this episode was recorded a little while ago, really close to after we all got back from the Conference. The boys are a little tired today, but they still have lots to talk about. 

Grashkahmn share their initial reactions to the Conference now that it’s being run by the industry as a non-profit. This is a nice episode especially if you’re looking for some insights on their behind-the-scenes perspective on this big industry event and how it has changed this year.