Something in the world of floating have you stumped?
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There’s enough float centers out there now to have some established naming conventions for centers. It can feel like all the good names are already taken. Fortunately, Graham and Ashkahn have taken the time come up with a list of a few floaty sounding names that are so far not taken but totally awesome.
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Graham: Hey there, this is Graham here.
Ashkahn: Hi there, this is Ashkahn.
Graham: And today’s question is, “brainstorming names for float center, any suggestions? So many good ones seem to have already been taken.”
Ashkahn: Well yeah, boy do we have some suggestions for you.
Graham: Yeah, I wish we could open like, a float center every day, just for the process of naming it.
Ashkahn: Yeah, we sat down in preparation for this question and came up with some things I think we would have named Float On, have we not gone with the name Float On.
Graham: And that probably other float centers are fools for not taking before this.
Ashkahn: Yeah, let’s read through some of these here.
Graham: Well first of all, you’re in good company if you decide to include the word float in your actual title. That’s a common one.
Ashkahn: There’s a lot of those.
Graham: Yeah, salt’s another one people like to put in there. Relax.
Ashkahn: Buoyant.
Graham: REST.
Ashkahn: REST. Lots of REST puns.
Graham: Yeah. Yeah. Float, did I mention float? They love putting that in there.
All right, so number one up here is Buoyant Break that we got for you.
Ashkahn: And then, Horizontal.
Graham: The Womb.
Ashkahn: Salty Serenity.
Graham: Cloud 10, just taking it one step further than all those cloud 9s out there.
Ashkahn: Get in the Box.
Graham: And then, Float America, which is kind of just taking it one step further than like, Float San Diego or Float Portland, or something like that, right?
Ashkahn: Then, Float Universe to really kind of follow that all the way to the end of the chain.
Graham: Yeah, unless you get into the Float Multiverse, in which case, that might even be a more ambitious name.
Ashkahn: We have Relax-o-Mat.
Graham: Whatever Floats Your Boat.
Ashkahn: Floatasm.
Graham: The Floatastic Flotorium.
Ashkahn: Floatilla.
Graham: Something Nothing.
Ashkahn: Get Naked and Float.
Graham: Salty Eyes.
Ashkahn: Crybaby Floats.
Graham: Wet, Warm and Salty.
Ashkahn: Tank Top.
Graham: Top Tank.
Ashkahn: Number One Floats.
Graham: And if your name happens to be Frank, you get the privilege of having Frank’s Floats, Frank’s Tanks. I almost didn’t do the pun. Frank’s Tanks, that’s the-
Ashkahn: Frank’s Floats is not that bad either.
All right, we have Get Up Get Down.
Graham: The SBSA, which stands for Shower Before, Shower After.
Ashkahn: Deprivation Vacation.
Graham: The RESTablishment.
Ashkahn: The One Man Party Box.
Graham: Lay In Space.
Ashkahn: Solo Tubes.
Graham: Pod Bless You.
Ashkahn: Float Your Heart Out.
Graham: REST for Zest.
Ashkahn: You’ve Been ArRESTed which has the tagline, you have the right to remain silent.
Graham: And one of our favorites, Tub Town.
Ashkahn: So, I think those are all pretty viable options that I would suggest you go with.
Graham: Yeah, and just as an honorable mention, three other names that sound as awesome as the ones we came up with, but actually exist out there-
Ashkahn: These are real float centers.
Graham: Rest Assured, which is amazing.
Ashkahn: Get Tank’d.
Graham: And probably my personal favorite, and has been ever since I saw it, which is Go Float Yourself.
Ashkahn: Yeah, down in Las Vegas. Definitely like win a prize for I think best float center name out there.
Graham: Yeah, so there you have it. Hopefully that spurred on some ideas of your own.
Ashkahn: Yeah, I think that answered their question, so feel free to choose any of those. Those are up for grabs, just a small gift from us to you.
Graham: Yep, and if you do, just write that $5,000 check over here, little royalty payment, you know? No big deal.
Ashkahn: Or write under the name of your center, created by Graham and Ashkahn, that’s also acceptable.
Graham: Take that as a lieu of payment, yeah.
All right.
Ashkahn: All right. Perfect. Well, if you guys have other questions, clearly we’ll answer anything at this point, so.
Graham: Go to and shoot them over our way.
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