Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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In the first episode of Improving Your Float Center from Home: the Bathrobe Chronicles, Ashkahn and Graham covered the special deal that they’re running at Float On during their closure.

Watch the full episode below:

For the deal, they’re offering 25% off floats, and for every float sold they’re donating a float to medical workers when Float On re-opens. They’ve open sourced the campaign, and you can download images (including an editable Photoshop file), the template email they sent to their mailing list, and their full launch plan.

Buy One Give One to Medical Workers

Enter your email to get the materials:

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We hope that these are useful for you, either in launching your own campaigns or just getting your creative juices flowing. You’re free to use or change any of these materials (although it would be great if you credit the artist, Kathryn Sullivan, for the image).

Be well, and stay safe out there!
Graham and Ashkahn

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Building community relationships when you’re already working 12 hour days at your float center can seem impossible. How do you make those connections when you’re busy during business hours? 

Derek and Graham tackle this problem and focus on it from personal experience. When Float On was just starting up, Graham was always running around, but still found time to grab a tea with local wellness professionals in his down time just to chat and hang out. Derek also points out that there’s plenty of social media tools that you can use between transitions when you have a couple minutes. 

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Tips on Website Copywriting – DSP 239

In another jam packed marketing episode, Derek and Graham get into the nitty gritty of how to write out all the content you need on your website. 

They dive in and explain the importance of layout, how to keep things succinct, and some really great resources for copywriting, A/B testing, and general marketing knowledge.

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

What’s the Best Way to do Referral Programs? – DSP 238

Derek and Graham talk about the many tactics they’ve tried at Float On with developing referral programs. They’ve tried many things with varying success, from affiliates to endorsements to discount codes. All with varying success. The favorite tactic at Float On, of course, is giving away free floats and developing relationships with others in the community.

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Are Chatbots a Good Idea? – DSP 237

Graham and Derek break down the benefits of chatbots. They discuss the usefulness of popular marketing tools like these and what place they have in brick and mortar businesses like float centers. They might be marginally useful, but there are almost definitely better things to focus on if a float center is having difficulty with marketing.

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Should I Copy Marketing Ideas? – DSP 236

There’s so many inspiring and creative float centers out there, many of who keep coming up with ingenious new ways to get the word out for their centers.

What’s the protocol for borrowing marketing ideas like this? How does proximity factor into it?

Graham and Derek break down the nuances of marketing strategies and where to pull from and what to avoid. It’s all about etiquette. 

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Getting Salty with Speakers: James Nestor – DSP 235

James Nestor, a science-adventure journalist with a focus on reporting about humans relationship to water. He is speaking at the Conference this year and Ashkahn took the time to ask him about some of the research John Lilly did on dolphin communication back in the day. He shares cool stories about Lilly’s work at that time as well as the impacts it’s had throughout the scientific community since.

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Talking About the Float Conference! – DSP 234

Today is the last day to buy discounted tickets for the Float Conference!

Today, Graham and Ashkahn talk all about everything they’re excited to see at the Conference this year, everything from the Bus Tour, to the Speakers that are coming (some returning, some coming for the first time), the Bus Tour, The Marketing Forum, other Friday activities, the awesome after parties, and did Graham mention the Bus Tour yet? 

It’s Float On’s last year hosting the Conference, and it’s gonna be excellent. See you there!

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Getting Salty with Speakers: Gloria Morris – DSP 233

Gloria Morris is a rockstar in her own right, having immediately hit the ground running with Float Sixty out in Chicago. It’s been amazing watching her influence grow throughout the float industry as she helps others consult with marketing as well as help behind the scenes in float projects like her work on the Art of the Float Podcast.

She recently opened up a second location in Schererville, Indiana, basically a suburb of Chicago. Ashkahn takes the time on this episode to ask her about the challenges running a center in a suburban area compared to an urban one and some of the important business lessons she’s learned throughout the experience.

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

How Do you get Customer Testimonials? – DSP 232

Customer testimonials can have a huge impact on a float center’s marketing. It adds a sense of legitimacy for any small business, after all, who wouldn’t want to hear stories from other who have tried out a service.

Derek and Graham hash out the benefits of having testimonials. Where to get them, third party sites as opposed to personally sourced testimonials, and the different forms that customer experiences can take. 

How to Build Community Relationships from Home – DSP 240

Should I Hire a Marketer? – DSP 231

Owning a small business is a juggling act of priorities that range from putting out small metaphorical fires, to big picture thinking about the scope of the company. At what point does a float center owner prioritize hiring a marketer to shoulder some of this burden and how can an inexperienced business owner find the right one for them. 

Graham and Derek tackle these questions and offer some advice for running a small business and the types of mentalities and practices that lead to the longevity and peace of mind that comes with finding someone to trust with some of that big picture thinking.