Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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In the first episode of Improving Your Float Center from Home: the Bathrobe Chronicles, Ashkahn and Graham covered the special deal that they’re running at Float On during their closure.

Watch the full episode below:

For the deal, they’re offering 25% off floats, and for every float sold they’re donating a float to medical workers when Float On re-opens. They’ve open sourced the campaign, and you can download images (including an editable Photoshop file), the template email they sent to their mailing list, and their full launch plan.

Buy One Give One to Medical Workers

Enter your email to get the materials:

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We hope that these are useful for you, either in launching your own campaigns or just getting your creative juices flowing. You’re free to use or change any of these materials (although it would be great if you credit the artist, Kathryn Sullivan, for the image).

Be well, and stay safe out there!
Graham and Ashkahn

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

Today on Social Media week, Derek educates Ashkahn and Graham on what exactly it’s like placing an ad on Facebook. 

Facebook, as well as other social media sites, provide a cornucopia of options for targeting your ad based on employment, interests, age range, and lots of others. For float centers, this can become fairly confusing, especially since floating doesn’t have demographics in the traditional sense.

Derek clears things up and explains to Graham, Ashkahn, and the rest of the float community, exactly why these options exist and what might work for a specific center.

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

What the Hell is Facebook Pixel? – DSP 192

Welcome back to Social Media Week!

A Pixel is a tool used when creating an ad account that allows you to create target audiences for your ads. How you use it and what to use it on are more complicated answers though.

Fortunately, Graham and Ashkahn have Derek to use as a resource and they have him break down how best to utilize target audiences and how to get the best bang for your buck.

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

Can you Cross Post to Different Social Media Platforms? – DSP 191

Today on Social Media Week, Ashkahn and Graham pick Derek’s brain about how to get content for several different social media platforms.

Derek shares his tips for how best to broaden your reach with your social media and not fatigue your audience with the same content on multiple platforms. He also shares what type of content works well on different platforms. 

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

How Often Should I Post on my Float Center’s Social Media? – DSP 190

On the second day of social media week, Ashkahn and Graham ask Derek how often float centers should post as well as what makes good content. 

Derek lays out practical tips for how to schedule your social media (DON’T AUTOMATE), as well as what makes a good post. Facebook has several algorithms to limit your reach depending on the post so it’s important to avoid certain keywords and post topics to reach the broadest audience without paying for it.

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

What are “Good” Social Media Numbers for Float Centers? – DSP 189

Not everyone is a social media wizard, but fortunately for Social Media Week, Derek is here to answer all the questions the float industry might have, from the obvious to the obscure.

In this episode, Derek, Graham, and Ashkahn discuss what it means to have good social media engagement. The effect of things like Facebook likes, reacts to posts, and how to cultivate those. 

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

Can you Float During a Lightning Storm? – DSP 188

Certain areas are prone to particular natural events. Some more terrifying for float centers than others. Lightning storms come to mind. Because water is conductive and the last thing you want in your float tanks are electrocuted customers.

So, is it a bad idea to float during lightning storms or does it even matter? Graham and Ashkahn weigh in with a heavy dose of skepticism and repeated calls to consult with a professional electrician before making any big decisions. 

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

How to Choose the Perfect Float Tank – DSP 187

One of the biggest decisions you have to make for your float center is what tank to choose. This is what your business is based around. So how do you go about making this decision? A lot of newer float center owners want to know what the “Best Tank” is. The reality is that there isn’t some clear front runner in float tank quality. Every tank has it’s strengths and weaknesses. It really depends on what you’re looking for and what you want to spend. 
Graham and Ashkahn share what they think are the most important things to consider when choosing your float tank. 

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

How to get Building Plans Before you Have a Building? – DSP 186

Often times banks will want your building plans to approve your business loan, but you can’t purchase a building before the loan is approved. Sometimes health departments will want to know which tanks you’ll get before they’ll approve your business which can also hold up your bank loan. It feels like a Catch-22 and has definitely infuriated plenty of float center owners just starting out. 

Graham and Ashkahn lay out the confusing battle you’ll have to take on to get your business started and the ways in which you can get approved, plus the silver linings these extra hoops can offer you.

Choosing Facebook Ad Options for Float Centers – DSP 193

How to Deal with Humidity in Float Rooms – DSP 185

Humidity can be a subtle, difficult, and persistent challenge for a lot of float centers. Aside from just the massive amount of humidity that a float tank can create, showers also generate a lot of humidity. This can be a challenge for your construction, your soundproofing, and your floater’s comfort. 

Fortunately, everyone has to deal with this issue, so there’s a lot of tips out there. Unfortunately, there isn’t an exact science on the best humidity for float rooms as of yet. Graham and Ashkahn unmuddle this quandary a bit before muddling it back up again.