Float Center Business Plan Package
Let’s discuss your plans…
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Opening a float business can be one of the most rewarding things you can do with your life. Getting to opening, on the other hand, is a costly and time consuming process.
A float center will cost from $200,000 – $600,000 to open and that can easily go higher depending on your plans.
If those numbers are surprising to you, you’re not the only one. Most people think that they’ll slap some float tanks in some rooms and they’ll be good to go.
The truth is that soundproofing, waterproofing, HVAC systems, float tanks, marketing, staffing, fixtures, supplies – these things add up quickly, and a lot of the most expensive parts of opening come as a huge surprise to prospective centers.
Our largest expenses certainly came as a surprise to us at Float On, and we came incredibly close to running out of money before we ever opened our doors.

Why You Should
Get This Business Plan
Our Business Plan has gone through years of testing and revision. It has been successfully used, time and again, to obtain funding for centers that are now up and running.
The numbers in this business plan are based on the real world finances of running Float On for the last nine years, and from hundreds of hours spent consulting with float centers all over the world.
You can easily play with variables in the plans to instantly update five years of financial projections and settle on a plan that will make sense for you and your future business.
If you really want to know what it will take to open a center or add floating to your wellness business, and what to expect from ongoing expenses and profits, you want this plan. You won’t even know what you’re missing until you get to play, hands on, with our financial spreadsheets.
Order it today, and if you really don’t think it gives you way more value than what you spend on it, please, take advantage of our 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee (but we don’t think that you will).

Included in the Float Center Business Plan Package…
Financial Planning Spreadsheets
Fill out the first page and the rest spreadsheet cells calculate themselves!
All of the formulas, ratios, and calculations are based on 5 years of financial data from Float On, and from hundreds of hours of consultation with float centers around the world:
- Financial Summary
- Capital Expenditures
- P&L Year 1
- P&L Years 2-5
- Cash Flow Year 1
- Cash Flow Years 2-5
- Balance Sheet at Opening
- Balance Sheet at End of the Year
- Breakeven Analysis
- Ratios
- Visual Graphs of the financial projections
- All equations are provided for analysis
Adding other services outside of floating (massage, yoga, etc)?
The materials contain sections specifically designed for incorporating additional wellness modalities into your model.
Float Center Written Business Plan Template
(Templates in Microsoft Word .docx)
(40+ pages)
Complete Business Plan Appendix
We show our work! All references made in the business plan are backup with an appendix providing extra materials. If you’re asked for proof, you’ll know where to find the answers.
19 Page Business Plan Package Walkthrough

Common Questions
Does this plan let you add in other wellness modalities?
Yes, we’ve made it very easy to use this plan if floating is just one part of your larger wellness center model. The plan can easily incorporate any additional services you might like to offer (yoga, massage, chiropractic, etc.).
Is the business plan useful for Canadian float centers?
Absolutely. It’s easy to adjust the numbers and the currency to work for Canada.
Does the business plan work for countries outside the US?
Yes, we’ve had many international customers who have successfully used our plan, from countries as diverse as Ireland, India, Norway, Japan, Australia,and Colombia (to name just a few). Changing the currency is easy, but it does require you to do some price checking on materials and labor to make sure that those are accurate for your region.
Will you help me if I need assistance filling out the plan?
We definitely will. The business plan is designed to be really straightforward, but that only goes so far when we’re talking about five years worth of financial equations and ratios. We’ll be here to answer any questions, and make sure that everything in the plan makes total sense to you.
What if the business plan isn’t what I expected?
If you aren’t totally satisfied with the business plan, just let us know. You have 30 days to return it for a full refund.

Get the State of the Float Industry Report for FREE
90+ pages of data.
Over 250 Participating Centers.