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Barnes, M. A., Carson, M. J., & Nair, M. G. (2015). Non-traditional cytokines: How catecholamines and adipokines influence macrophages in immunity, metabolism and the central nervous system. Cytokine, 72(2), 210–219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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The Float Tour Blog – Issue #17
We hosted our second Float Tour Workshop here in Toronto and stayed in town a bit longer than we normally do, allowing us to get acquainted with the city. The sprawling metropolis is an amalgamation of old world pioneering days and modern multiculturalism. It was founded in 1787, and some of the currently standing buildings pre-date even that. Ancient architecture stands next to contemporary monoliths, weaving a tapestry of antiquity and avant-garde in this fair city.

2016 Float Conference Program Introduction
It’s been my pleasure to write the introduction to the conference program for five years in a row, and each year I enjoy posting it up on this blog for everyone who didn’t make it out. I hope to see you all in 2017! – Graham

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #16
We finally took this trip international! Explaining Float Tour to the border guards was a little bit of a challenge (especially through the language barrier), but – after some creative hand gestures and finding synonyms for “sensory” and “deprivation” – we made it through.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #15
New York is where it’s at, and it’s arguably the busiest place on the planet. People here live fast-paced lives and rarely – if ever – have time to slow the fuck down and enjoy themselves.
Just like Jersey, people here also see skepticism as a point of pride, and take it to an even greater extreme. All of this makes New York a sort of “proving grounds” for floating: if it can make it in New York, it can make it anywhere.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #14
The Garden State houses probably the highest concentration of float tanks on the East Coast. Jersey is a gateway to the major metropolitan areas nearby: New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C.
This convenience has made Jersey the suburban hub for every major industry on the East Coast for generations, giving it the highest population density of any state in the U.S. This is fantastic for the float industry; if there’s one statistic that correlates with successful float centers, it’s population density.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #13
Passing through Virginia and Maryland, we thought that if all serving politicians, lobbyists, Supreme Court justices, and the President of the United States of America floated on a regular basis, it’d be easy to imagine that the world would be a better place.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #12
In this issue of The Float Tour Blog, we visit centers across 3 states and catch up with a few long time friends and a familiar voice to a lot of float center owners.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #11
This issue of The Float Tour Blog focuses on our exploration into floating in the Deep South. Graham, Ashkahn, and JT tours centers in Louisiana and Georgia while also visiting the largest cryotherapy manufacturer in the USA.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #10
Floating has definitely found a home here in the big cities: Dallas, Austin, and Houston.
Texas has several centers that started as holdouts of floating from before 2010, but new centers are popping up on a regular basis.

Fancy Acronyms for your Business Plan: TAM, SAM, and SOM
In this post, we’ll be looking at those enigmatic acronyms: TAM, SAM, and SOM, which are the backbone for the market analysis section of your written plan. We’ve helped a couple hundred float centers to develop their business plans, and we’ve found that this one area generates the most questions, and seems to generally be the most difficult to wrap your head around.