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Before Your Float Center has a Location, Get Online
So… You want to start a float center? One of the first thing people do is they begin researching. They scour the internet for float tank information in preparation for holding educated conversations with future customers. After all, you will be seen as the expert, so...

It’s All the Same Day
The Float Conference has come and gone, but if this last year is any indication, it will come around again in what seems like no time at all. Sometimes, even the last four years seem like they've only been a few months. Other times, I can't remember a life that's not...

How to Monitor a Niche Industry… Like Floating!
A few years ago, if someone published information online about floating, chances are that it would spread quickly. There wasn't much available and what was available only had a small tight-knit circle to disseminate through. As the industry is growing, there are float...

Know Your Market – A Guide to Gathering Data
Have you ever tried to look up market statistics or information for float centers? If so, you’ve probably been left a little disappointed. Mining for float industry data means coming to the unfortunate realization that the internet doesn’t actually have everything on...

The Float Conference Podcast – Talks About Nothing
In the float industry, we believe there is no such thing as too much information. The more salt-filled information "floating" around, the more we are able to educate our customers about the different benefits of spending time in the tank. On August 9th and 10th we...

The Creation of the Beginner’s Guide to Floating
Our Beginner's Guide to Floating was first created four years ago, and we've gone through over 40,000 of them just out of our own center in Portland. Since making it publicly available, our Beginner's Guide has been downloaded over 1,400 times. Dozens of float centers...

Transducers: Turning Your Float Tank into a Giant Speaker
All good floats must come to an end... As a float center owner, you’ll have the ability to offer periods of intense isolation and quiet to your customers. That being said, we’ve received many questions about the best (and least disruptive) way of bringing your...

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer
“In the realm of the mind, there are no limits” - Dr. John C. Lilly As some of you may know, we’ve been working closely with the estate of Dr. Lilly, to ensure that his writings and ideas become more accessible to the public. We’ve started by reprinting his...

Alternative Wellness and Floatation Therapy
Over the past few decades people have come to practice many alternative wellness regimens from outside of the realm of standard Western medicine. Instead of medication and surgery, people have turned to regular bodily maintenance and more natural remedies for their...

Listening to Music in a Float Tank
To play or not to play music in the tank…
Some centers start the float with a few minutes of music and then fade away, some don’t play music until the end, and another float center will not let you turn off the light. In fact, they also have the noise of a automatic massage table, pounding away next to you, while other places will leave it up to the floater to decide. READ MORE…