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Submissions Open for the Triennial Start-a-Center Giveaway!
Stepping into 2020, we know there are hundreds of entrepreneurs looking forward to the opportunity to finally create their own float centers - the floatation community is full of famously passionate individuals with big dreams. This year, we wanna bring back something...

Things to Know About Adding Floating to Your Business
It’s becoming increasingly common to offer floating alongside other health and wellness modalities. In the most recent State of the Float Industry Report, 74% of float centers offer some form of wellness service in conjunction with floating. There’s a lot of reasons...

Everything you Don’t Know about our Industry Report Revamp
For the past 6 years, Float Tank Solutions has released the State of the Industry Report for the float industry based on a survey we release each year at the beginning of summer. Over the years, we’ve refined the process and adjusted the report, making it more robust,...

The 2019 Float Conference Live Coverage Blog!
Watching everyone reunite, hug, and share what’s been happening in their lives since the last Conference almost seems commonplace this year. It’s become such a natural part of the event, and despite being in a different city, this year is no different. The love and...

Tank Topics – Managing Employees
Summer may be coming to a close but we’ve still got Tank Topics to help you beat the heat.
This collection focuses on managing employees, so we share everything from what to look for when hiring, what orientation looks like, and how we at Float On have structured our management hierarchy. Also… Ashkahn likes socks, so send him some.

Why the 2019 Float Conference is Gonna Rock Denver
With the first industry run Float Conference right around the corner, we wanted to take a minute to talk about what we're excited about at Float Tank Solutions and HelmBot, since we're all gonna be there. This year is especially exciting for us, since no one on our...

Start Your Float Journey the Right Way at the Float Conference
The Float Conference has been the birthplace of many amazing things in the industry. It’s where Justin Feinstein met Colin Stanwell-Smith and together they designed the Float Lab at the Laureate Institute of Brain Research; it’s where Jeremy Warner got the inspiration...

Some of the Best Flooring Practices for Float Centers
Looking for something specific? Search our nearly 100 blog posts. Float On has been around for nearly 9 years, and in those 9 years, we’ve gone through lots of floors. Some have held up better than others. Some didn't hold up at all. At one point we tried putting...

Take Part in the 2019 Float Industry Report!
We’re gathering responses for our 2019 Industry Report through the end of July, and we once again need your help.
Please take a brief moment to answer a few questions about your float center (or future float center) – it may be the easiest thing you can do to contribute to the growth of floatation around the world.

Album Release: The Daily Solutions Intro Anthology!
To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a...