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When you show people the float tanks, inevitably some of your potential customers will be freaked out. That’s fine, it’s normal, it’s how people reacted to Rock n’ Roll. Now, you need to know upfront that there’s a small group of people who will, in fact, never be convinced to get in a float tank. In the timeless words of Aristotle, ‘Haters gonna hate.’

That said, a much larger subsection is just looking for a response to a very legitimate concern before they’re willing to try it out: the unknown is weird and intimidating. Here’s what I tell them.

CUSTOMERNervous about float tanks
I’m never going to do this.



I know, it seems kind of crazy at first, but it turns out your body loves to be in there, and after just a few minutes, most people say it feels surprisingly familiar.


Your spine decompresses, your muscles relax like you’ve gotten a massage, and your brain starts releasing extra dopamine and all these other feel good neurotransmitters; it’s like taking a bath in outer space.


And you’re in complete control- leave the lights on, leave the door open if you want, and if it’s really not for someone, they can just get out early and we’ll give them a refund (but no one really does).

At this point they’ve basically started to strip off their clothes and hop in before I can even leave the room. I have to kindly remind them that someone else is actually about to come in to float, and that they have to make their own reservation.

Graham Talley, co-founder Float On

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