One of the most common questions we’ve gotten has been regarding whether or not someone’s potential location would work as a float center. Every location is unique, of course, and will have its various benefits and costs based on their individual characteristics. Having said that, there are a few things to look out for when deciding on your center’s location, which we thought we’d outline in a blog post.
[For more excellent location info, check out our Location Checklist]
1. Pay attention to the businesses in the surrounding environment. Especially if you’re going for a specific demographic, it’s useful to note whether the businesses in your neighborhood are conducive to bringing in people who might be interested in floating and floatation therapy. This basic level of marketing should never be overlooked.
2. Visibility is valuable when you’re starting up. More people coming by means more people hearing about floating, and that translates directly into more word-of-mouth and more customers. We’ve given countless tours to random groups and passers-by, and the effect of such simple but consistent education is not to be overlooked.
3. However, there’s a balancing act between good foot traffic and quiet surroundings. Buses, trains, subways, and local motorcycle gangs create a lot of dense sound which can be hard to block out. Nonetheless, If you can afford to, we recommend being more central and paying a little extra for rent and initial soundproofing.
4. Make sure that the businesses in your area (especially those you share walls with) are fairly quiet. Sound vibrations travel well through solid surfaces like the walls of your shop. Your floats can easily be disrupted by the intrusive sounds of heavy machinery or even loud gossip from the hair salon next door (just ask us about it sometime).

5. Think ahead for the future of your shop and your entire building. Building out and constructing a float center takes a lot of time and investment, so you want to ensure that your location will work for years to come. Beyond that, think about the future of your neighbors as well. While right now your location might be sandwiched between a library and a mattress store, it’s definitely possible one goes out of business and the other moves across town. Before you know it you’re dealing with the noise levels of Megaphones-R-Us and The Jackhammer Emporium.
6. Look for a building just going into construction. You’re most likely going to be tearing out everything when you start your build out anyway, it may as well be in a place that isn’t built yet. It can save you a lot of hassle and time later on down the road.
Again, each location will have its own specific benefits and pitfalls. Keeping these core principles in mind will give you a checklist for deciding whether or not the location you’re looking at would work well as a home for your float center.
Ashkahn Jahromi, Founder Float On