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In the meantime, you might like to check out our blog. We’ve got tons of great free content on all aspects of opening a float center, and there are new, action packed posts released weekly.

In fact, here are some of the most recent blog articles for your perusing pleasure…


Beginner’s Guides from Everywhere!

Beginner’s Guides from Everywhere!

If you’re not familiar with the Beginner’s Guide, it’s basically our intro brochure at Float On. About 5 years ago now we made the creation files easily available so folks could edit it as they pleased and sent it out to everyone with an open invitation to do with it as they pleased for their own centers. We know most centers don’t have graphic designers on staff so it seemed like a nice way to help others have reliable, easy to access information for their clients and also serve as a way to save them time and money from having to create their own.

The result of this is that years later, dozens and dozens of centers have a version of these brochures, some of them not even realizing where they originated from. Naturally, we’ve taken a copy from all the centers we’ve visited and we thought we’d share some of them with the rest of you.

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