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Now all you have to do is sit back and reap the delightfully salty rewards.


In the meantime, you might like to check out our blog. We’ve got tons of great free content on all aspects of opening a float center, and there are new, action packed posts released weekly.

In fact, here are some of the most recent blog articles for your perusing pleasure…


How to compete on price without slashing prices

How to compete on price without slashing prices

Let’s say you’re a float tank center and more centers are starting to show up in your town…

Or, maybe you are that other center starting up a town that already has float tanks…

As new centers enter the market, the typical response is to run promotions on daily deal sites, promote large specials, and/or run Facebook Ads selling floats for much less than the usual offerings.

The best case scenario is this price slashing behavior subsides shortly after the neighboring center opens.

But what if it doesn’t? What if an existing competitor decides their new price is even lower?

How do you compete with a price slashing neighbor without competing on price?

Learn a few ways to make price a non issue with your customers…

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Floating and Athletics, a Strong Relationship

Floating and Athletics, a Strong Relationship

One of the beautiful things about the float tank is that it serves to rejuvenate the whole person. — the body, mind, heart.

Broadly speaking, it’s a tool for homeostasis, an ideal environment that supports balance, health, and growth. This piece will look specifically at floating and athletics. For anyone who defines themselves as an athlete, or as a general pursuant of athletic endeavors, the float tank can be a powerful asset.

In this post, I’ll discuss individual athletes who float and how to look at this from a marketing perspective. I’ll also discuss past and present research, and share some thoughts on how the relationship between the athletic and floating communities might continue to unfold.

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A Skeptic’s Guide to Floating

A Skeptic’s Guide to Floating

I think it’s time we addressed the giant metaphorical elephant in the salty metaphorical room — there are lots of exaggerated and untrue claims about the benefits of floating being spread around the industry.

Some are anecdotal, some are only half true, and some are just patently false. Floating has historically had a strong oral tradition tied to it — the practice has survived through word-of-mouth, one passionate floater teaching another everything they know. The unfortunate thing about this is that the information disseminated can’t be reliably tested or shared with others on a broader scale. You can’t use “my buddy Chris” as a source for a health benefit of float tanks in a newspaper article, much less for a research paper.

Now that we’re becoming a bit more mainstream, we thought it would be nice to add some clarity to what we should and shouldn’t be telling people about these difficult-to-understand, saliferous containers.

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