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In the meantime, you might like to check out our blog. We’ve got tons of great free content on all aspects of opening a float center, and there are new, action packed posts released weekly.

In fact, here are some of the most recent blog articles for your perusing pleasure…


Center of the Cyclone Book Launch

Center of the Cyclone Book Launch

Coincidence Control Publishing is pleased to announce the updated publishing of John C. Lilly’s Center of the Cyclone. Written by a researcher whose methods of self inquiry and exploration were before his time, this 45th anniversary edition, released on Lilly’s birthday, is due to see the light of day once more.

You can buy the book now on Amazon!

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Happy TANKSgiving (Giving Gifts to Monthly Members)

Happy TANKSgiving (Giving Gifts to Monthly Members)

Monthly memberships are an important way to ensure that your float tank center has a consistent, if not dependable, amount of business.

While pricing structures for memberships vary widely across the industry, we’re focusing less on the strategy of what to charge and looking more at the benefits we’re actually offering. Once we’ve established a solid offering, then we can revisit pricing.

Running a successful monthly membership program takes more than just charging customers and making sure they use their credits. With a little creativity, we can find ways to increase engagement.

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Float Tank Centers for Sale

Float Tank Centers for Sale

On our journey we found at least three owners who are actively looking to sell their float tank centers, and in all three cases the centers are doing well. Life often calls us in different directions than we expect.

In case you’re in the market for a pre-established business, without all the trials and tribulations of starting from scratch, here’s information on two centers that are, for the moment, available to swoop in on…

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