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In the meantime, you might like to check out our blog. We’ve got tons of great free content on all aspects of opening a float center, and there are new, action packed posts released weekly.

In fact, here are some of the most recent blog articles for your perusing pleasure…


Floating While Pregnant

Floating While Pregnant

Upon gaining a doctor’s approval, there has been a growing trend of floating during pregnancy. Some take on floating to help reduce back pain while others just love to hear their baby’s heartbeat underwater. The following are some suggestions based on experience on how to comfortably float while pregnant.

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Choosing a Water Heater for Your Center

Choosing a Water Heater for Your Center

You may not be surprised to hear that a Float Center is a business which has a hefty water requirement. You may, however, be surprised to hear that the majority of the water demand you’ll be facing day-to-day is going to be in the form of showers and (if you’re doing any laundry on-site) a washing machine.

The factors of energy usage and cost over time should also be taken into consideration when deciding upon your water heater…

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Float Fund – NSF Magnesium Sulfate Test Results

Float Fund – NSF Magnesium Sulfate Test Results

I’m happy to announce to first results from the Float Fund testing. This experiment, run through the NSF, was to see how salt water, with no other form of disinfection, actually effected harmful organisms. We ran tests with two different microorganisms, and in this post we’ll talk about how one (Pseudomonas) got its ass kicked by salt-water and how the other one (Enterococcus) didn’t seem phased in the slightest.

If you want to skip straight to the test results, you can download them in their entirety. Since they have a lot of fancy laboratory lingo, we’ll spend the rest of this post breaking down the different aspects of the testing.

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Float Memberships and Packages

Float Memberships and Packages

Customers are great, but getting those customers to commit to returning on a regular basis is even better. There are a few different schools of thought in regards to encouraging return customers, but they’ll generally fall into two main categories, Memberships and Packages.

We’re going to provide a little insight into how to utilize each of them at your center.

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