This is the ninth year that Float Tank Solutions gathered and compiled data for the annual industry report.
Coming after a year of significant challenges, and still fresh in the wake of the disruption of regular business caused by the Covid era, the 2022 reports reflect a period of adaptation and adjustment as our industry began to collectively navigate the post-pandemic landscape.
With the world slowly but surely returning to a sense of normalcy, the response rate from existing float centers showed a promising rebound from the 2021 reports, with 274 centers participating.
The 2022 Float Industry Reports are more than just a collection of statistics and data – it is a reflection of our collective journey of recovery and continued growth. It underscores our community’s strength and adaptability, offering insights and lessons as we look forward to a brighter, more buoyant future.
These reports are compiled from responses to two industry surveys that we sent out to the community. One questionnaire was sent to existing float centers, focusing on how their start up process went as well as questions about ongoing operations. The other questionnaire was sent to prospective centers, to get a sense of their plans and where they are in the process, in order to help us understand the potential growth of the industry moving forward.
In total, we received answers from 183 existing centers and 91 prospective centers. From these we can get a representative idea of the current state of the float industry, as well as possible future growth.
We’ve also collected data directly from the systems of 75 HelmBot software users who generously opted-in. Their information was anonymized and aggregated, and shows verified data from operating float centers.
You can also download the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 State of the Float Industry reports for free to compare the data between years.