This year’s report marks the first joint release by Float Tank Solutions and the Floatation Tank Association (FTA). This partnership has expanded the reach of the survey, enabling the collection of more comprehensive and diverse data, providing a more accurate reflection of the current state of the floatation therapy industry.
These reports are compiled from responses to two industry surveys that we sent out to the float community. One questionnaire was sent to existing float centers, focusing on how their start-up process went as well as questions about ongoing operations. The other questionnaire was sent to prospective centers, to get a sense of their plans and where they are in the process, in order to help us understand the potential growth of the industry moving forward.
In total, we received answers from 103 existing centers and 27 prospective centers. From these we can get an idea of the current state of the float industry, as well as possible future growth.
We’ve also collected data directly from the systems of 45 HelmBot software users who generously opted-in. Their information was anonymized and aggregated, and shows verified data from operating float centers.
This diverse sample includes contributions from the float industry worldwide, and the data gathered offers an overview of the global floatation therapy industry, helping to identify key trends and areas for growth.
This year also marks the tenth year of conducting this industry survey and report. Historical data from these reports now allows for a useful overview of a decade of industry trends and patterns, offering valuable insights for both current operators and prospective float center owners.
You can also download the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and 2022 State of the Float Industry reports for free to compare the data between years.