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“In the realm of the mind, there are no limits” – Dr. John C. Lilly

As some of you may know, we’ve been working closely with the estate of  Dr. Lilly, to ensure that his writings and ideas become more accessible to the public.

We’ve started by reprinting his groundbreaking work,

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer.

Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer

On May 15th we will be releasing a new, unabridged edition–the first in over 30 years!

For those unfamiliar with the work, Programming and Metaprogramming delves into Dr. Lilly’s experiments regarding the nature of the human mind. By using sensory deprivation and mind-altering substances–pushing his body and brain far outside of their normal limits–Dr. Lilly was able to explore and map an enormous range of altered states of consciousness.

Dr. Lilly used these experiments to develop theories on how the mind is structured and programmed, and created the work to act as a sort of “operating manual” for the mind, outlining ways to overcome mental roadblocks and reprogram the way we think for the better.

While some of his other works may be more well known, Programming and Metaprogramming was the foundation for many of Dr. Lilly’s ideas. During his life, he attempted to revise and rewrite Programming and Metaprogramming several times, with each attempt instead spurring in him new ideas and new works. One such revision turned into his most well-known book, Center of the Cyclone, and yet another turned into his fifth book, Simulations of God. As he describes it in a foreword to this work:

“It seems as if this older work is a seminating source for other works and solidly resists revision. To me it is a thing separate from me, a record from a past space, a doorway into new spaces through which I passed and cannot return.”

We are thrilled to offer this new printing, and to pass through this doorway alongside Dr. Lilly. To celebrate, we have a ton events lined up over the next couple of weeks, leading up to our May 15th release date. We already had an opportunity to visit Vancouver, BC for the MAPS event, and were thrilled with people’s enthusiasm for the work. We’ve also just started out on our four-part book tour, where we’ll be visiting float centers all over the country and hosting events to spread the word (stay tuned for updates)!

This will all culminate on May 15th, the official release date for the book…

and this is where you come in…

If we are able to reach our goal of 1000 copies sold on May 15th, the work will make the Amazon.com bestseller list, and be prominently suggested to their reading audience. This will give countless people an opportunity to become more familiar with Dr. Lilly and his work with sensory deprivation. We want to spread Dr. Lilly’s work far and wide, and as fellow floatation enthusiasts, we’ll need your help to do that.

We’re taking pledges in advance for orders of the book, and on May 15th will be doing a phone drive to process the orders. With your help we can reach our goal and spread the prominence of Dr. Lilly and his life-changing ideas. (We’re even offering discounts for larger pledges, so any float center owners out there can get a great deal for selling the book as a retail product.)


Available Now on Amazon!


Together we can get the word out about float tanks and help our salty industry change even more lives.

Thanks so much for your support, and as always, float on!