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Recent Podcast Episodes

How long should an e-mail be? – DSP 250
In this sports analogy laden episode, Graham and Derek talk about effective copywriting tactics when writing out an email to the loyal customers of float centers across the globe.
They line out the importance of focusing on a short, sweet, and simple message, while outlining some strategies at Float On that are used with that in mind.

Getting Salty with Speakers: John Turner – DSP 249
Ashkahn takes the reigns on the show to talk to John Turner, a professor at the Medical University of Toledo and one of the original researchers into the benefits of float tanks.
They discuss some of the surprising benefits of floating, mindfulness, and just good ways to live a positive life. A very heartwarming and lovely chat.

Good Float Center T-Shirt Designs – DSP 248
What makes a good float center t-shirt? Is it about branding and being informative? Should it look cool or simple? Or does it have to do with comfort over design?
Graham and Ashkahn have some capital O Opinions about this so strap in and listen to them discuss all about the t-shirts they sell for Float On and the evolution of that process.

All the Float Conference Questions – DSP 247
The Float Conference is an exciting time and the way the rest of the industry talks about it sometimes borders on reverence. If you’ve never been before, then it can be simultaneously exciting and overwhelming trying to anticipate exactly what this event is going to be like.
Fortunately, Graham and Ashkahn are here to walk you through what to expect from the Conference and how to prepare for the wildest weekend of the year for the entire float industry.

What’s a Good Cancellation Policy for Float Centers? – DSP 246
There are few things more frustrating than having customers schedule early and then having them cancel, or worse, just fail to show. So how does Float On handle it?
Well, Graham and Ashkahn share their thoughts on this as well as commiserate with every float center our there that has a problem with cancellations. They share some tips, tricks, and advice on how to properly lie to customers for the best result.
Latest Blog Posts

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #13
Passing through Virginia and Maryland, we thought that if all serving politicians, lobbyists, Supreme Court justices, and the President of the United States of America floated on a regular basis, it’d be easy to imagine that the world would be a better place.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #12
In this issue of The Float Tour Blog, we visit centers across 3 states and catch up with a few long time friends and a familiar voice to a lot of float center owners.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #11
This issue of The Float Tour Blog focuses on our exploration into floating in the Deep South. Graham, Ashkahn, and JT tours centers in Louisiana and Georgia while also visiting the largest cryotherapy manufacturer in the USA.

The Float Tour Blog – Issue #10
Floating has definitely found a home here in the big cities: Dallas, Austin, and Houston.
Texas has several centers that started as holdouts of floating from before 2010, but new centers are popping up on a regular basis.