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Recent Podcast Episodes

Rise Interview with The Perrys & Stephen Johnson – OSP 01

Rise Interview with The Perrys & Stephen Johnson – OSP 01

We’re BACK!
(sort of)

The Not-So-Daily Solutions Podcast is back with some interviews from the Rise Float Gathering. When we were there, Juliet had a chance to speak with a lot of the speakers about their presentations and we decided to share them with all of you! Here’s her conversation with Glenn and Lee Perry along with Stephen Johnson where they talk about how the industry has changed and the future of their plans to preserve their legacy in the industry.

We hope you enjoy!

Rise Interview with The Perrys & Stephen Johnson – OSP 01

Tank Topics: All About Memberships

Here’s a topic for everyone in the industry: Memberships! We’ve put together the best Daily Solutions into a triple threat of solutions. This collection covers everything from discounts, to marketing, to a detailed analysis of how Float On’s own memberships. 

Download it into your brains here!

Rise Interview with The Perrys & Stephen Johnson – OSP 01

Tank Topic: Special Float Center Cleaning Tips

Any float center owner knows that these tanks and the rooms they live in are fickle creatures that need particular supplies to maintain. This Tank Topic is a great collection of practical tips and tricks for keeping tanks, showers and rooms clean and happy.

Rise Interview with The Perrys & Stephen Johnson – OSP 01

Tank Topics: Building Your Own Float Tank

This is a simple two episode compilation about advice on building your own float tanks. The guys are pretty against the idea. Having built two of the 6 tanks at Float On in house, they personally know the challenges that arise with this and how many unexpected obstacles you have to get over to make it happen. In between their blanket condemnation of the idea, though, are really helpful tidbits of what to look out for if you absolutely cannot be dissuaded.

Latest Blog Posts

Some of the Best Flooring Practices for Float Centers

Some of the Best Flooring Practices for Float Centers

  Looking for something specific? Search our nearly 100 blog posts. Float On has been around for nearly 9 years, and in those 9 years, we’ve gone through lots of floors. Some have held up better than others. Some didn't hold up at all. At one point we tried putting...

Take Part in the 2019 Float Industry Report!

Take Part in the 2019 Float Industry Report!

We’re gathering responses for our 2019 Industry Report through the end of July, and we once again need your help.

Please take a brief moment to answer a few questions about your float center (or future float center) – it may be the easiest thing you can do to contribute to the growth of floatation around the world.

Flux’s Conference Science Recap

Flux’s Conference Science Recap

Flux comes back to provide a visual recap of his informative talk from the 2018 Float Conference, discussing the relationship between floating, depression, and the immune system.