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Benefits of having an intercom in float tank – DSP 70

Benefits of having an intercom in float tank – DSP 70

There’s a lot of debate about intercom systems within float tanks. For some, it seems like a natural progression for the design, and for others it can feel like something that potentially negatively impacts a float. 

On the one hand, Intercom systems have a lot of utility (especially in the CYA sense). Inversely, it does seem like something that can easily be abused by customers.

Ashkahn and Graham hash out the pros and cons to these systems and exactly how they feel about them in this episode. 

Benefits of having an intercom in float tank – DSP 70

Having a Laundry Service vs. DIY Laundry – DSP 69

Laundry is a fundamental necessity for float centers, the significance of which you can easily overlook. Some centers do laundry on-site, while others hire out a laundry service. On-site is almost definitely cheaper, but is it worth it? How much does it factor in to your bottom line to hire a laundry service, and what about the drawbacks of doing it on site? Not every float center can afford an industrial washer and dryer, can residential units handle a float center’s salt encrusted towels? 

Graham and Ashkahn hit all these points and more while talking about their own personal experience doing both on-site laundry and hiring out a service and which one they definitively think is better and why/ 

Benefits of having an intercom in float tank – DSP 70

Pros/Cons of Having a Post Float Lounge – DSP 68

Post float lounges are cool. Lots of float center owners use them to imbue their centers with their own personality, whether it be large sprawling rooms with comically large furniture, oxygen bars with artificial waterfalls, or just a place for you to hide mushroom sculptures for your customers to find. But these come at the cost of square footage for your center, which undoubtedly can cause problems. So, is it worth it? Ashkahn and Graham tackle the pros and cons, getting into the finer details of what it really means to have or not have these rooms in your center.

Benefits of having an intercom in float tank – DSP 70

The typical Length of a Float Transition – DSP 67

A fundamental part of a float centers daily schedule is the transition between floats. It’s when the rooms get cleaned, the water runs through its filtration system, floaters need to shower, linens need changing out… So how long do you need to get all of this done? Naturally, the shorter it is, the more floats you can run in a day, but how close to the wire can you cut it? 

Graham and Ashkahn lay out very clearly exactly why they do what they do at Float On for transitions and help illustrate some of the benefits and major hurdles they have had to overcome to get to this sweet spot in their scheduling. 

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