To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a pay-what-you-want anthology!
For those of you who are reading this but somehow don’t know about the Daily Solutions Podcast, let me provide a brief recap of the project.
In 2017, Graham and Ashkahn decided to start up a podcast where they answered questions from the float community every day for a year. Although it was an already ambitious task, the gods of whimsy demanded even more of them, and they decided to create a unique intro jingle for each episode.
This task might surely have terrified another audio engineer, but not Jordan Lamp, who simply laughed and said, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
And so the project began.
From getting sound effects for horse races, to making the hosts sound like robots, to crafting songs from literally any genre of music, to humoring our outlandish demands with only minor grumblings of malcontentedness – Jordan is in many ways the unsung hero of the Daily Solutions Podcast.
Which is why we’re dedicating all the proceeds that people donate from this anthology to him. Every dollar spent will go directly to helping him improve his studio and support career as a musician.
So please go and revisit or discover these songs, ballads, skits, and stories. They’re (almost) all amazing, they’re free to stream, and if you do decide to download them, your donations are going to a great home.
To entice you a little further, here’s a few of our favorites right here. One of these is even my personal ringtone, so I listen to it nearly every day (a recommended use for any of our tracks).
And, of course, let’s not forget the Mr. Epsom saga
These are just a handful. Again, there are literally hundreds. Please, go check them out, find the ones you like, and share your favorites with us!
Thank you for listening. This project has been an absolute joy for us and it’s wonderful to know that you’ve all enjoyed it as well.
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Search our nearly 100 blog posts.

How long should an e-mail be? – DSP 250
In this sports analogy laden episode, Graham and Derek talk about effective copywriting tactics when writing out an email to the loyal customers of float centers across the globe.
They line out the importance of focusing on a short, sweet, and simple message, while outlining some strategies at Float On that are used with that in mind.

Getting Salty with Speakers: John Turner – DSP 249
Ashkahn takes the reigns on the show to talk to John Turner, a professor at the Medical University of Toledo and one of the original researchers into the benefits of float tanks.
They discuss some of the surprising benefits of floating, mindfulness, and just good ways to live a positive life. A very heartwarming and lovely chat.

The Daily Solutions Podcast – Our Top 5 Episodes from July
This month has been filled with some amazing episodes! With our run up to the Float Conference, we’ve mixed things up a bit for the podcast. Ashkahn has taken on talking to the speakers at the Conference and giving them an opportunity to speak directly to the industry...

Good Float Center T-Shirt Designs – DSP 248
What makes a good float center t-shirt? Is it about branding and being informative? Should it look cool or simple? Or does it have to do with comfort over design?
Graham and Ashkahn have some capital O Opinions about this so strap in and listen to them discuss all about the t-shirts they sell for Float On and the evolution of that process.

All the Float Conference Questions – DSP 247
The Float Conference is an exciting time and the way the rest of the industry talks about it sometimes borders on reverence. If you’ve never been before, then it can be simultaneously exciting and overwhelming trying to anticipate exactly what this event is going to be like.
Fortunately, Graham and Ashkahn are here to walk you through what to expect from the Conference and how to prepare for the wildest weekend of the year for the entire float industry.

What’s a Good Cancellation Policy for Float Centers? – DSP 246
There are few things more frustrating than having customers schedule early and then having them cancel, or worse, just fail to show. So how does Float On handle it?
Well, Graham and Ashkahn share their thoughts on this as well as commiserate with every float center our there that has a problem with cancellations. They share some tips, tricks, and advice on how to properly lie to customers for the best result.

Why Do Float Centers use Child Sized Earplugs? – DSP 245
When shopping around for earplugs for float tanks, there’s only a few that actually work well in the float solution. One of these is the Mack’s wax earplugs, basically the standard for swimmers as well. But why do so many float centers buy the child sized ones when stocking their float center?
Ashkahn “Big Ears” Jahromi let’s all of us know what he thinks is going on and that many people may be using these earplugs incorrectly. Graham “Normal Ears” Talley, backs him up with some facts and important reminders.

What Causes that Float Tank Twitch? – DSP 244
Graham and Ashkahn discuss what causes that mysterious twitch people sometimes experience in the float tank, called the hypnic jerk (AKA hypnagogic jerk, sleep start, sleep twitch, myoclonic jerk, or night start ). While the guys offer up some interesting theories, there’s not a lot of research that’s been done on what causes these, so we’re left with theories, more or less.
Ashkahn thinks it has to do with pancakes.

Does floating impact the Parasympathetic Nervous System? – DSP 243
The Parasympathetic Nervous System is the part of your body that gets really excited when the rest of your body is winding down. Taking care of the digestive and rest systems are an important part of human health and physiology. How do float tanks affect this system?
Many of the studies on floating have demonstrated an impact on the parasympathetic nervous system. Graham and Ashkahn talk about the information that’s been studied so far.

Getting Salty With Speakers – Professor Hu – DSP 242
Dr. Peicheng Hu is a researcher from China that studies floatation therapy over there. He’s speaking at the Float Conference this year so Ashkahn decided to take the opportunity to talk to him about the Chinese float industry and some of the differences in the practice as well as the type of research being done out there.