To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a pay-what-you-want anthology!
For those of you who are reading this but somehow don’t know about the Daily Solutions Podcast, let me provide a brief recap of the project.
In 2017, Graham and Ashkahn decided to start up a podcast where they answered questions from the float community every day for a year. Although it was an already ambitious task, the gods of whimsy demanded even more of them, and they decided to create a unique intro jingle for each episode.
This task might surely have terrified another audio engineer, but not Jordan Lamp, who simply laughed and said, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
And so the project began.
From getting sound effects for horse races, to making the hosts sound like robots, to crafting songs from literally any genre of music, to humoring our outlandish demands with only minor grumblings of malcontentedness – Jordan is in many ways the unsung hero of the Daily Solutions Podcast.
Which is why we’re dedicating all the proceeds that people donate from this anthology to him. Every dollar spent will go directly to helping him improve his studio and support career as a musician.
So please go and revisit or discover these songs, ballads, skits, and stories. They’re (almost) all amazing, they’re free to stream, and if you do decide to download them, your donations are going to a great home.
To entice you a little further, here’s a few of our favorites right here. One of these is even my personal ringtone, so I listen to it nearly every day (a recommended use for any of our tracks).
And, of course, let’s not forget the Mr. Epsom saga
These are just a handful. Again, there are literally hundreds. Please, go check them out, find the ones you like, and share your favorites with us!
Thank you for listening. This project has been an absolute joy for us and it’s wonderful to know that you’ve all enjoyed it as well.
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The 2019 Float Conference Recap – OSP 09
You can tell this episode was recorded a little while ago, really close to after we all got back from the Conference. The boys are a little tired today, but they still have lots to talk about.
Grashkahmn share their initial reactions to the Conference now that it’s being run by the industry as a non-profit. This is a nice episode especially if you’re looking for some insights on their behind-the-scenes perspective on this big industry event and how it has changed this year.

7 Tips for Optimizing Your Business with Effective Management Software
Running a business is challenging. And it can get more challenging as your organization grows and expands along the way. You must continuously find ways to improve your business process optimization strategy to accommodate your business’ ever-changing needs. Nowadays,...

Tank Topics – Health Departments
Something in the world of floating have you stumped? Show Highlights Hooo doggie! This is a big one! This Tank Topic is filled with useful information about what you should know before talking to health...

The Russian Float Conference – OSP 08
Graham and Ashkahn are back to give their recap on the Float Conference. No, not THAT Float Conference, the Russian Float Conference.
The guys got to go speak at the float event on the other side of the world and are reporting back on what that was like, how their industry is shaping up, and some of the lessons we can learn about their industry over there.
Additionally, Graham and Ashkahn lied to you. The show notes will not have a puppet show in them.

The 2019 Float Conference Live Coverage Blog!
Watching everyone reunite, hug, and share what’s been happening in their lives since the last Conference almost seems commonplace this year. It’s become such a natural part of the event, and despite being in a different city, this year is no different. The love and...

Tank Topic – Writing E-mails
This Tank Topic covers everything you need to know to get your e-mail on. You wanna know how long your e-mail newsletter should be and what topics you should cover? You wanna know how frequently to e-mail for special deals? You even wanna know how long your e-mails should have to be? You wanna know all these answers all at once? We freaking got you! I’m so glad you asked, cuz we literally just put this episode together. I’m really glad you’re gonna find it useful. Rock on, dude. Synchronicity!

Tank Topics – Managing Employees
Summer may be coming to a close but we’ve still got Tank Topics to help you beat the heat.
This collection focuses on managing employees, so we share everything from what to look for when hiring, what orientation looks like, and how we at Float On have structured our management hierarchy. Also… Ashkahn likes socks, so send him some.

Why the 2019 Float Conference is Gonna Rock Denver
With the first industry run Float Conference right around the corner, we wanted to take a minute to talk about what we're excited about at Float Tank Solutions and HelmBot, since we're all gonna be there. This year is especially exciting for us, since no one on our...

Pseudomonas in a Float Tank! – OSP 07
This is a bit of breaking news for the float world. There was a clearly defined case of someone getting sick in a float tank and Graham and Ashkahn are here to tell you what you as a float center owner (or future owner) should know about it and the steps you can take to keep yourself informed on this issue and make sure you don’t repeat any of the same mistakes.

Start Your Float Journey the Right Way at the Float Conference
The Float Conference has been the birthplace of many amazing things in the industry. It’s where Justin Feinstein met Colin Stanwell-Smith and together they designed the Float Lab at the Laureate Institute of Brain Research; it’s where Jeremy Warner got the inspiration...