To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a pay-what-you-want anthology!
For those of you who are reading this but somehow don’t know about the Daily Solutions Podcast, let me provide a brief recap of the project.
In 2017, Graham and Ashkahn decided to start up a podcast where they answered questions from the float community every day for a year. Although it was an already ambitious task, the gods of whimsy demanded even more of them, and they decided to create a unique intro jingle for each episode.
This task might surely have terrified another audio engineer, but not Jordan Lamp, who simply laughed and said, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
And so the project began.
From getting sound effects for horse races, to making the hosts sound like robots, to crafting songs from literally any genre of music, to humoring our outlandish demands with only minor grumblings of malcontentedness – Jordan is in many ways the unsung hero of the Daily Solutions Podcast.
Which is why we’re dedicating all the proceeds that people donate from this anthology to him. Every dollar spent will go directly to helping him improve his studio and support career as a musician.
So please go and revisit or discover these songs, ballads, skits, and stories. They’re (almost) all amazing, they’re free to stream, and if you do decide to download them, your donations are going to a great home.
To entice you a little further, here’s a few of our favorites right here. One of these is even my personal ringtone, so I listen to it nearly every day (a recommended use for any of our tracks).
And, of course, let’s not forget the Mr. Epsom saga
These are just a handful. Again, there are literally hundreds. Please, go check them out, find the ones you like, and share your favorites with us!
Thank you for listening. This project has been an absolute joy for us and it’s wonderful to know that you’ve all enjoyed it as well.
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Search our nearly 100 blog posts.

Thoughts on Attending Trade Shows – DSP 121
When you’re just starting out, you’ll try anything to get the word out. Trade shows are a fairly common way to generate interest in a new technology or practice, so why not floating?
Graham and Ashkahn have a few trade shows under their belt and they’ve had modest almost success at them. They lay out their experiences and challenges that float tanks face at a venue like this and what you should be prepared for if you decide to attend one.

When it’s Time to Fire Your Customers – DSP 120
This is one of those situations that’s never fun to be in, but it’s something that’s gotta be dealt with. A customer is rude, unpleasant, or makes the staff or other customers uncomfortable. It can start small and turn into a repeated and difficult problem. As the business owner, oftentimes, the buck stops with you and you have to figure out how to handle that situation.
Graham and Ashkahn share their experiences at Float On with their problematic customers and how they handled it while offering tidbits of advice.

Funding your center through Kickstarter – DSP 119
Crowdfunding has made so many projects possible that would otherwise not exist. It seems perfect for niche ideas, concepts that would otherwise never see the light of day, and passion projects that just need to happen. This sounds perfect for float centers, but there are some caveats.
Crowdfunding is time intensive and there’s not guarantee of success. Aside from that, there are some issues with it that complicate things for float centers that other crowdfunded projects likely won’t face. Graham and Ashkahn talk about the successes of float center crowdfunding and the not-so-successes as well.

Don’t Build Your Own Float Tank! – DSP 118
For anyone considering a DIY float tank, give this episode a listen first. This isn’t a discussion on the merits of doing things one way versus another or expressing an opinion on one side and playing devil’s advocate for the other. Graham and Ashkahn know painfully well from personal experience the pitfalls of falling into the hubris trap of thinking you can build your own float tanks. They built two large open tanks in Float On and even years later they still cause headaches.
What’s more, they’ve spoken with dozens of people who’ve also gone through this themselves and heard their horror stories after they didn’t listen to the advice of not doing it.
The perception that it can be a cost-cutting measure or a more reliable way to get an operating float tank in your center by going DIY is generally pretty flawed. There’s so much to it that you just can’t consider before the fact.

Should Your Float Center have a Blog? – DSP 117
This seems like a good idea on paper. It helps with SEO stuff for Google. It gives you an outlet to write about floating and share information about the industry. And it seems to fall in line with something that other businesses do, right?
So what are the downsides? How much time and effort does a blog really take? What sort of impact does it have for a float center? Graham and Ashkahn lay out the pros and cons as well as things you may not initially consider about the responsibility of having a blog.

Thoughts on Buying Yelp Ads – DSP 116
There are lots of businesses that experience the dogged persistence of Yelp sales people calling them. Float On has done both buying Yelp ad space and living without it and Graham and Ashkahn break down exactly what that experience was like.
They also go into exactly what Yelp ads mean and how it impacts your float center (or doesn’t, as the case may be) as well as how well Yelp stacks up in comparison to other ad sources.

When is it Time to Open a Second Float Center? – DSP 115
Okay, so… Float On only has one location (not counting Float On Hong Kong) and there’s certainly a reason for that. Graham and Ashkahn have toyed with the idea of opening up another center multiple times throughout the years but something else always came up. As they’ve met more people in the industry, they’ve seen some of the pitfalls and successes from people opening additional locations, franchises and whatever else. They share their thoughts on when they think it’d be best to open and why they say to wait a little bit.

Choosing the Hours to Staff Your Float Center – DSP 114
How do you figure out how many people to hire? What’s the ideal hours for a float employee to work? Is there such a thing as too many hours? Too few?
Graham and Ashkahn share their insights with staffing Float On and what their staff looks like to cover all their shifts running a six tank, 24 hour float center.

Float Success Story – Float Los Alamos
At the Float Conference every year we hear inspirational stories from float center owners who have carved a piece of the industry out in their salty image. Everyone defines "success" in their own way, and we thought it would be cool to share what that meant to some of...

Tips for Creating an Inviting Float Center Lobby – DSP 113
Not all of us are interior designers, but we all want to have a space that is welcoming to our customers.
Graham and Ashkahn definitely have an eye for this, especially after visiting so many float centers. They share some of their favorite designs they’ve seen, as well as common tactics to help make your center comfy and inviting without necessarily breaking the bank on furniture. They also share some of their pipe dreams for their ideal designs that never came to be.