To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a pay-what-you-want anthology!
For those of you who are reading this but somehow don’t know about the Daily Solutions Podcast, let me provide a brief recap of the project.
In 2017, Graham and Ashkahn decided to start up a podcast where they answered questions from the float community every day for a year. Although it was an already ambitious task, the gods of whimsy demanded even more of them, and they decided to create a unique intro jingle for each episode.
This task might surely have terrified another audio engineer, but not Jordan Lamp, who simply laughed and said, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
And so the project began.
From getting sound effects for horse races, to making the hosts sound like robots, to crafting songs from literally any genre of music, to humoring our outlandish demands with only minor grumblings of malcontentedness – Jordan is in many ways the unsung hero of the Daily Solutions Podcast.
Which is why we’re dedicating all the proceeds that people donate from this anthology to him. Every dollar spent will go directly to helping him improve his studio and support career as a musician.
So please go and revisit or discover these songs, ballads, skits, and stories. They’re (almost) all amazing, they’re free to stream, and if you do decide to download them, your donations are going to a great home.
To entice you a little further, here’s a few of our favorites right here. One of these is even my personal ringtone, so I listen to it nearly every day (a recommended use for any of our tracks).
And, of course, let’s not forget the Mr. Epsom saga
These are just a handful. Again, there are literally hundreds. Please, go check them out, find the ones you like, and share your favorites with us!
Thank you for listening. This project has been an absolute joy for us and it’s wonderful to know that you’ve all enjoyed it as well.
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Search our nearly 100 blog posts.

Offering only float sessions vs including additional services – DSP 45
It gets a little tricky sometimes starting an alternative wellness business. Should you offer other services? Should you only have float tanks? Which situation is right for you. Fortunately, you can listen to this episode and get some insight into this exact conversation.

How to handle intoxicated customers in your float center – DSP 44
Graham and Ashkahn drop some truth bombs about how to deal with intoxicated people as well as some of the challenges of dealing with that in a float center.

A New Year, a New Research List
When we first released the floatation research list back in 2011, it was as close to a comprehensive list as we could create. It was put together in an effort to illustrate that sensory isolation was a thoroughly studied practice and there was scientific evidence for the health claims we were making.
Many float centers adopted this list for their own uses and put it on their sites, spreading the information and making it more available.
In this post, you’ll learn about the updates made to our float research list.

Using test strips in your float tank – DSP 43
Some people swear by tests strips. Others don’t. What’s the right way to do it for float tanks? Luckily we have two people who have learned, in frustratingly specific detail, everything there is to know about testing float tank water using test strips.

Gauging Demand – Market Analysis – DSP 42
This episode is chock full of tips and tricks to test the salty waters of the float industry and help you decide if there’s a good market in your area for a float center. Find out what kind of response you’re looking for and how to get the one you want.

How to handle people not waking up from their float session – DSP 41
Alright. Here’s something that is pretty pervasive in the industry, and that’s dealing with the floater that just won’t wake up. What do you do? Well, here’s Graham and Ashkahn’s step-by-step process for Float On, at least. So give it a listen!

Tips to garner local media coverage – DSP 40
Everywhere we look these days it seems like there’s some media outlet doing a piece on float tanks. They also seem to always feature a float center. How do you get to be that center in the piece? Find out the process from start to finish as Graham gives out his secrets to getting a news piece published on you and your center.

The Daily Solutions Podcast – Our Top 5 Episodes from December
Since a new episode is released, every day, we thought we should do a roundup of some the top episodes so far to keep you from missing out on important topics in the floatation community.
Behold the creme de la creme of podcastery, if you will. Here they are, in chronological order

Role of UV in UV + H2O2 systems – DSP 39
Hydrogen Peroxide and UV are a popular combination for water treatment among float centers. What exactly does it do, though? Fortunately, Ashkahn is the wiz we need to explain the chemical reaction process that takes place when both these things are used to treat your water.

How long does it take to open a float center – DSP 38
This is one of the first things you’re going to want to know, and it’s a difficult subject to tackle. Everything from getting financing, to permits, to construction… It’s a lot to deal with. Fortunately, Graham and Ashkahn, beyond just dealing with this themselves when opening Float On, have worked closely with dozens of other centers going through this process and have a great insight into what to expect.