To all the fans of our Daily Solutions Podcast, we have heard your request for more of our podcast, but without all of that boring float information. With that in mind, we’re excited to announce that we are releasing all of the intros (and only the intros) in a pay-what-you-want anthology!
For those of you who are reading this but somehow don’t know about the Daily Solutions Podcast, let me provide a brief recap of the project.
In 2017, Graham and Ashkahn decided to start up a podcast where they answered questions from the float community every day for a year. Although it was an already ambitious task, the gods of whimsy demanded even more of them, and they decided to create a unique intro jingle for each episode.
This task might surely have terrified another audio engineer, but not Jordan Lamp, who simply laughed and said, “Yeah. Let’s do it.”
And so the project began.
From getting sound effects for horse races, to making the hosts sound like robots, to crafting songs from literally any genre of music, to humoring our outlandish demands with only minor grumblings of malcontentedness – Jordan is in many ways the unsung hero of the Daily Solutions Podcast.
Which is why we’re dedicating all the proceeds that people donate from this anthology to him. Every dollar spent will go directly to helping him improve his studio and support career as a musician.
So please go and revisit or discover these songs, ballads, skits, and stories. They’re (almost) all amazing, they’re free to stream, and if you do decide to download them, your donations are going to a great home.
To entice you a little further, here’s a few of our favorites right here. One of these is even my personal ringtone, so I listen to it nearly every day (a recommended use for any of our tracks).
And, of course, let’s not forget the Mr. Epsom saga
These are just a handful. Again, there are literally hundreds. Please, go check them out, find the ones you like, and share your favorites with us!
Thank you for listening. This project has been an absolute joy for us and it’s wonderful to know that you’ve all enjoyed it as well.
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staff holidays – Christmas special – DSP 28
In this heartwarming holiday episode, Graham and Ashkahn talk about how to not Scrooge up your float center with your business practices by sharing their philosophy on working your float center during the holidays.

What is the ROI of a float center? – DSP 27
What’s the return on investment for a float center?
That depends on a bajillion things, like rent, wages, capacity, staffing, etc.
Ashkahn and Graham deftly maneuver this minefield of a question and explore a range of ways that profits are affected while planning, starting, and running a float center.

Reasons to float, from relaxation to pain relief – DSP 26
If you’re seeing a change in clientele, it can be for a variety of reasons. As different populations become aware about how floating can help them, they generally tell people with like interests who might come try it out, which then slowly creates a community of enthusiasts who are float-conscious.
Graham and Ashkahn talk specifically about how recent research and awareness has helped bring floating with those with serious pain issues, and how that can create a ripple effect in local awareness for any float center.

Floating with dreadlocks – DSP 25
Should you let those with long dreadlocks and super long hair float? Yeah, we definitely think so!
Our sound designer, Jordan Lamp joins Graham and Ashkahn on this episode of the Daily Solutions Podcast to talk about what it’s like floating with dreads.

Productivity software for your small business – DSP 24
You might not know this, but Graham and Ashkahn get almost as excited talking about productivity software and tips as they do float tanks.
From Boomerang and TextExpander to LastPass, Google Docs, and our very own Helm, there’s a ton of software out there to make your work much more streamlined and efficient. With TextExpander, for example, you can become a time wizard with pre loaded shortcuts to much longer or complicated copy, code, or even form-fills.
Listen above or read below for all the salty software trips we could fit into this episode.

Tips for soundproofing to avoid road noise – DSP 23
Soon after you open, you might realize that you’ve gotten a lot of the same complaint: The float was great, but I heard all this rumbling.
Odds are, your floaters are hearing one of two things — traffic on the road outside or their very hungry tummy.
If it’s the latter, feed them some post float snacks and tea. If the former, what can you do?
Aside from difficult and expensive projects, like building new walls or lobbying for the removal of cars from municipal streets, it turns out there are some pretty simple and cheap solutions that will block traffic noise.
Like inexpensive rubber pucks.
Puck yeah. Listen above or read below to learn more.

How to handle negative Yelp reviews – DSP 22
You’ve been open three months, things are going great, and then it happens — your first bad Yelp review.
Before you start throwing salt all over your center and gearing up to battle internet trolls, listen to this Daily Solutions Podcast where Graham & Ashkahn drop some wisdom on how to respond in the face of often-undue criticism.
It turns out the quickest way to address any negativity online is to reach out like a human, honestly and directly. Feedback can be helpful, and a constructive engagement with it can actually create quite a change in perception and experience from those giving it.

Concerns for running pumps with floaters in tanks – DSP 21
In today’s episode of the Daily Solutions Podcast, Graham & Ashkahn dole out some advice on why you shouldn’t run pumps when floaters are in your tanks.
The best case scenario if a pump goes on with someone still in it — their float is ruined. Worst case scenario? Their hair could get stuck in the filter or worse.
In our risk-averse society, these disaster scenarios compel us to set up safeguards to make sure they never happen. At Float On, we make it a point to never run a tank when a floater is still in it.
As they say, “Plan for the worst, hope for theta waves.”

Tips for a proper website setup – DSP 20
What does a float center need to do to get a website? What should they be prepared for? Find out in this episode of the Daily Solutions Podcast!

Procedures for filing a float tank with salt and water – DSP 19
Graham and Ashkahn share their expertise on the nuances of filling a float tank; how much salt to use, how long it takes, and what to expect during this process with your equipment. After all, who hasn’t wondered whether their mechanical drive filtration pump can handle epsom salt filled water?