Something in the world of floating have you stumped?
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So for those of us who’ve wanted to float in a vertical tank ever since seeing Luke Skywaker use one in Empire Strikes Back, Graham and Ashkahn dish out what they know about vertical float tanks.
Fortunately, another one of Float On’s owners, Christopher Messer, actually makes vertical float tanks, so the guys have the inside scoop on all things vertical.
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Recent Podcast Episodes

Float On’s Membership Change – DSP 364
Earlier this year, Float On changed its membership structure along with its prices. It was mentioned on the podcast a little while ago, but it was still too early in the change to extract any meaningful data from it. The guys promised to get back to it.
Before it’s too late, Graham and Ashkahn fulfill their promise to divulge how their single priced membership structure is going.

How Detailed are Your Finances? – DSP 363
It’s possible to have a nearly infinite recursion of productivity vs. financial data. You can break down how much you could save per float by switching to a cheaper q-tip, but in the end, is it worth it?
Ashkahn and Graham discuss how they handle financial details at Float On and where they emphasize detail over broad strokes and convenience.

Groupon Revisited – DSP 362
In a previous episode, Graham and Ashkahn shared their experience running Groupons with Float On from like… 6 years ago.
Groupon called them up and offered them an opportunity to try Groupon again and see what they thought of the experience. So here’s their updated review of the modern Groupon process.

Some Other Common Objections to Floating – DSP 361
Graham and Ashkahn roll up their sleeves and get down and dirty dealing with objections to floating. To shake things up a bit, they’re ignoring claustrophobia and talking about some of the other things people bring up when they say they’re hesitant to try floating.

What’s More Important than the Podcast? – DSP 360
It’s no secret that Graham and Ashkahn are shutting down the podcast (check out the resources for details on how to call in for the finale), but why?
Today, Graham and Ashkahn talk about all their projects that they’ll be dedicating themselves too now that they don’t have a daily podcast to rush to, everything from the mundane to the insane.
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