Learn best practices for starting and running a float center:
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Something in the world of floating have you stumped?

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Show Highlights

Graham and Ashkahn share what they think is the most time consuming part of running a float center. And then next most time consuming things, as well. A great episode outlining the realistic challenges in taking on management of a business.

Show Resources

Don’t forget to check us out on November 29th for our finale live call in episode at 3pm PST!

An Important Announcement from the Daily Solutions Podcast

How to do A/B Testing – DSP 306

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Transcription of this episode… (in case you prefer reading)



Recent Podcast Episodes

Tips on Managing Staff – DSP 179

Float On, for all its quirks, has ended up being very traditionally structured as a business. There are managers, co-managers, and employees who all have different responsibilities and commitments. Graham and Ashkahn break down how they came to structure the company this way, despite aggressively fighting against that mentality of a corporate, top down structure. 

What’s the Difference Between Loans and Investments? – DSP 178

The financial cost to opening a float center is huge at the startup, given the high ticket cost of float tanks themselves, as well as the expensive technical construction that comes along with making your rooms sound/water/saltproof. It’s rare for a float center to open entirely self financed, so what are the best options for getting funding? Loans versus investments.

Graham and Ashkahn break down the differences in these two approaches weigh the pros and cons to both for float centers. 

What About Vertical Float Tanks? – DSP 177

So for those of us who’ve wanted to float in a vertical tank ever since seeing Luke Skywaker use one in Empire Strikes Back, Graham and Ashkahn dish out what they know about vertical float tanks. 

Fortunately, another one of Float On’s owners, Christopher Messer, actually makes vertical float tanks, so the guys have the inside scoop on all things vertical.

What Would Utilities be for a Float Tank Center in Maine? – DSP 176

If you wanna stump the Float On boys, you have to try harder than asking about the cost of utilities for a float center in Maine. They tackled this episode prepared and take the rare opportunity to show specific numbers for utility usage at Float On and what that breakdown would look like in Maine, with help from special guest Jake Marty.

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